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Крутой мир

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Okay. Okay.
This time, I'm gonna
do something right.
He's gonna kill himself.
He's fulfilling his destiny.
He's becoming a hero.
Oh, please.
The Spike.
It's up to me
to return the Spike.
Got it!
The pain is unbearable.
Hit me.
Deuces wild?
The world has
only one chance left.
It's up to me to return the
Spike and plug the hole.
Huh! You fiends!
Trying to stop me.
Baby, baby...
The king! Oh, it's the king!
Oh, I hate being
bottled up like that.
Oh, man, boss.
Hold on. Hold on.
Feel the air, Jack.
We're staying.
I like it here, Jack.
Come here.
Give me the Spike, Jack.
You love me, don't you, Jack?
Yes, I do.
Well, then, help me.
Give it to me, Jack.
Okay, honey-poo.
Hey, goodie-goodie-goodie.
Pencil dicks.
A trick!
On second thought,
I must do what is right
and return the Spike.
Oh, golly, oh!
He-he's gone.
He's ...
He's gone.
I don't know for sure,
but I don't think so.
You know,
maybe the Spike protected them.
Its power is beyond
our understanding.
I'm sorry he didn't make it.
I got to take him
back with me.
There's a nice gal back there.
She deserves to see him,
dead or alive.
Okay, Doc, let 'er rip.
Arriba, arriba, arriba, arriba!
Oh, Nails!
He didn't make it.
I'm sorry.
Oh, Frank, honey! No, please!
Oh, no, please,
you can't leave me!
Oh, no!
Who killed him, Nails?
He was pushed off a building.
Who pushed him?
Holli Would.
Holli Would?
That bitch!
was she a doodle
when she aced him?
Yeah! So what?!
So what?
Oh! So what?
Well, what happens
to noids who traffic
in the Cool World, Nails,
when they get killed
by a doodle?
They become a doodle themselves.
Hot dog! Dig it! Dig me!
Oh, my God!
Oh, Nails, he's alive!
Ooh, and he's gorgeous, too.
Hubba-bubba, baby.
What do you think?
Ooh, you're a hero, Harris.
You saved the world.
So what are you waiting for?
Come and get it.
Ooh, Frankie...
so, did you do it
while you were back there
in the real world?
Did you do it
while you were real?
Do you ever think about
going back there so you can?
There's no reason now.
Hey, boss, we got to go.
Get out of here!
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I can't stand myself.
Oh! I should have
all eight legs.
Well, then,
we're just going
to have to stop pretending now,
aren't we?
Bum, bum, ba.
Bye-bye, folks.
Have a nice life.
What a beautiful landscape.
Let's see.
We can put the house
over here,
the studio over here.
I'll still draw, of course.
We'll raise children over here,
I'll fight crime over there.
Oh, we're going to be
deliriously happy, honey-poo.
Pencil dick.Oh...
Mom, I'm home five seconds,
you're already cooking.
Come here, I got something
to show you.
-Well, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
I haven't finished
cooking your dinner.
Yeah, it's a surprise.
It's all right.
Come on.
Shut your eyes.
Good. Shut 'em.
-Okay, you ready?
-You sure?
All right.
Whoa. Turning.
Oh, it's cold.
It's not cold.
Even the chickens are cold.
Okay, steps.
We have steps.
-Ready? One...
-...and three.
Okay, look.
-No, that's not it.
Shut 'em. Shut 'em.
Come on.
Now, Frank...
h-how far are we gonna go? Ooh.
Come on, come on. Come on...
You're all right.
Sweetie, the dinner's
just gonna...
The dinner's fine.
Almost, almost...
Oh, it's ...
-Is that beautiful?
-Oh, it's ...
-It's lovely.
I know. I won it
in a poker game in Italy.
well, drive it carefully, honey.
I will.
-Enjoy it...
-I will.
but be careful.
God, Ma, you're such a mom.
You ready?
We're going for a ride.
Oh, no, no.
I have to finish dinner.
Ma, Ma, one ride.
Oh. Oh...
Watch this, Ma, no hands.
Oh, Frank, don't do that!
I wouldn't do that.
Come on.
Крутой мир Крутой мир

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