know, I'm into having fun and everything, but you got to slow down, okay? What I want to slow down for? I'm gonna get everything I ever wanted. You think any of these men are gonna say no to Holli? Not on your life, pal. Gentlemen prefer blondes. Thank you very much, everybody. Glad you enjoyed that. Wonderful old standard. " Let's Make Love." Hey! She's with me! No, she's with us. Hey! Stay out! Hit it. Uh, Brian, please. Here we sit and we chatter What are we thinking of? -Let's not make with the patter -Oh, whoa. Baby Let's make love Oh, my, but it's stifling If you roar like a lion I could coo like a dove If you're sold, begin buying Baby Let's make love Gosh, it's hot No, don't turn TV on Instead just turn me on I'll light up like neon... When your partner gets inked, you do something about it. He was your partner, so you do something. Well, I'm not buying it. Well, how about " a man's got to do what a man's got to do" ? Can't you just think about me for a minute, Frank? I mean, where does this leave me? What are you mad about? Oh! I'm mad because you talk about crossing, and-and you don't even care... I don't care? how it makes me feel. Whoa, whoa. How do you feel, Lon? How do you feel? Left out. You think I want to go back there? You think I want to go back? Well, why wouldn't you want to go back? That's real to you, isn't it?! Let me tell you something about over there. It hurts over there. It-lt's lonely over there. It's a war over there. They got eight million ways for you to die, hon, and all of them are permanent. This is real for me, this. With you. And if I want to stay with you, I got to go back. Because if Jack Deebs and Holli Would are after what I think they are, there won't be any here or there. Understand, Loni? No more here. Just go ahead! Hey, hey, hey. I'm comin' back. Jack. Jack. What's going on? Something's wrong. Something's very, very wrong. No shit, pal. So what is it? I mean, I'm ... I'm up there, and I was just... I was moving and shaking with the best of 'em. And all of a sudden, I was... I-I went doodle again. I mean... Look at this, Ma. No hands! Oh, Frank, don't do that! I wouldn't do that. Come on! No! Good luck, Frank. Please just let me think. Let me think. Cool, Jack. Really cool. I guess you have a tough time driving and thinking at the same time, huh? Oh! The Spike of Power! The what?! The Spike could heal me. Ooh, I guess Vinnie put the Spike at the top of the casino. You're nuts. You are nuts. Don't say I'm nuts. I've had enough ego out of you, pal. And you used to think you made me up. You're thinking like a doodle, Holli. There is no Spike of Power. There's got to be a Spike of Power. And I'm going to find it right now. No, you're not. Okay? Yeah. We're going there, Jack. No, we're not. You're a nice fellow, Jack. Don't piss me off. Oh, yeah? What are you going to do about it, Holli? Huh? Goddamn it! What are you doing here, Harris? I'm taking you and the bimbo back. What are you going to do? Shoot me? Why don't you shoot me, goddamn it!? Shoot me, Harris. Go on, shoot... Don't push me! Don't push me! You just couldn't take a piece of good advice, could you? No, Jack, you had to listen to your Johnson. I've had it with you, Harris. I've had it with you, goddamn it! You've had it with me?! You've had it with me, you piece of shit? You screw us all for a piece of ass, and you've had it with me? Where is she? Great. It's happening, Jack. Got news for you, Harris. It's happening to her, too. Jack! Jack, I saw it this time. -Jack, I saw it. I swear it. -Jennifer... I saw this thing. It ate your house again. Remember when we came over earlier? Jennifer... I wasn't imagining things. I... All right, Jack. Oh, this is another friend from out of town? Uh-huh, yeah. I-I mean... What happened to your suit?
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