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Крутой мир

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boss, eh? Heh-heh-heh!
Yeah, I guess I'm
having a good time.
-Are we having a good time?
Nails, leave us alone.
Oh, I just love
your little ears.
Okay, Nails, what's the problem?
Ooh! No trouble.
Nothing I can't handle myself.
I was just checking in
with youse. You know.
Yeah. You sure?
All right. Okay, Nails.
-It's ... incredible.
No... no...
Wait a minute here!
What am I nervous for? Oh!
I could do this job myself!
Mm... mm.
Mm, mm, mm.
Ooh-ooh! Ooh! Aah!
Holli, why do we have
to go back?
It's ... it's so great here.
Oh... but, Jack,
we're noids and...
noids just...just can't
do doodle here and...
I want to do it all, Jack,
and together... together
we're gonna be unstoppable.
But you know something
I go to do?
I got to go tell
the boys good-bye.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, they're gonna be
so lost without me.
I bet.
I know you do.
Oh, Jack...
I miss you already.
Oh, I know.
-I'll be back.
-Be back soon, okay?
Oh, yeah.
Jesus! Why the hell
did you do it?!
What, are those curtains
you're wearing?!
Oh, oh, you look horrendous.
You look horrible.
You look like
a high school hippie.
Peace, man.
That's right, boys.
I made it.
Uh... Halt!
Yeah, halt, uh, halt, eeeee...!
in the name of the law!
Eh... halt, I say!
Well, howdy, Nails.
As you see, there have been
some changes around here.
You are a biomorphic menace.
I forbid you to take one step
out of the Cool World.
You eight-armed ink spot.
Who do you think
you're dealing with?
I'm real.
You made it with a noid!
You don't know what you are.
Mark my words, girlie-pie,
you leave here
and it is trouble
for ya two.
I'm leaving, pencil dick.
You just try and stop me.
Don't do it.
Don't do it, girl!
Oh, that's so beautiful!
Oh, so bad!
Oh, man, that's gotta hurt!
Oh, a pen job.
Oh. Yeah, yeah, pen me, too.
Pen me, pen me, pen me.
Ah! Oh! Oh, hit me.
Yeah, hit me.
Oh! Hit me again.
Hit me, hit me.
Lover Jack,
it's time to go.
Bounce out of here.
-We got to go.
-Holli... Holli...
Jack, we got to get out of here.
Hold on tight.
Oh... Oh, Jack.
I really like it here.
I think I'll go change.
Mom, he may be in trouble.
We got to help him.
Come on, let's go.
It's none of our business.
It is our business.
He's our neighbor.
Come on.
Mm, I love her.
I love her.
This is me.
Uh, Isabelle
and Jennifer Malley,
this is, um...
This is Holli.
Holli's my friend.
This is Jack.
Holli is, uh...
she's from out of town.
Well, we didn't mean
to bother you.
It's just...
Well, we were scared
you might be hurt.
No, no, no, uh...
No, but thanks
for asking.
-Well... thanks.
It's -it's -it's , uh...
it's good to have
nice neighbors.
Nice neighbors.
I'm real.
Yeah, you sure are, honey.
I'm real.
She was really
a cheap piece of work.
I don't know, I thought
she was kind of pretty.
You know, I got this
crazy feeling, Mom,
that I know that woman
from somewhere.
He looks full of life to me,
for goodness sakes.
What happened, you ink stain?
He had a run-in with a noid,
and then he got inked.
That damn Deebs.
It was Holli Would.
Holli is a doodle.
Not anymore.
She's made it
with that Deebs asshole.
She's changed.
Now you can buy me more fries,
dick head.
This is gonna be
the biggest shit storm
the Cool World has ever seen.
Round and round I go
Like a leaf on a tide
I should stay away,
but what can I do?
Oh. Oh.
So many men. Oh...
And they're real.
Oh, smell.... them.
Holli, Holli...
you're with me, remember?
You know, you can't go
around smelling people.
Yeah, Jack.
You sit.
So, uh, what do you
want to drink?
Anything they have.
You know, they got
95 different things, Holli.
Mm... whoa.
I'll have one of each.
Holli, you
Крутой мир Крутой мир

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