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Крутой мир

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smashingly good!
Make sure no one
gets out this door.
Oh! Oh! Absolutemont,
Stretcher bearers!
Stretcher bearers!
Well, hello, Harris.
Welcome to the party.
And what a swell party it is.
Thanks for having me.
I should have known
riffraff like yourself
would be involved
in this equation, Sparks.
What equation
is that, Harris?
I've discovered
that if you look for trouble,
you find it.
What's your problem?
Bad childhood.
Where's the noid?
You're the only noid here,
Last warning.
You stay away from the noid,
or you're closed
for business permanently.
Have a splendid evening.
You want to know
what it is about you
that really kicks my ass,
How about my foot?
Well, you prance around here
waving that gun around
like you're some big deal.
And all this time,
you could cross over
to the Real World,
but you haven't got the guts.
You don't have what
it takes to be real.
That makes you
a wimp in my book.
You may be right, Slick.
Be content with the cards
you've been dealt.
What's the deal?
It's getting serious, Nails.
We got to find Jack Deebs.
Go for it!
Go for it!
Should I get the door for you,
Oh, yeah!
Oh, Yeah!
Go for it, Jack!
You better have an appointment!
Go on, Jack.
Go on, Jack.
He does...
but you don't .
But Holli said we could watch.
Watch what?
Go on up.
Go on up.
Go on.
Bring me a souvenir, Jack.
Hey, Jack.
I've been waiting for you.
You like looking at me, Jack,
don't you?
Man is in the bedroom.
Run, girls, run!
Oh-ho! Oh-ho!
You listen to me, uh, Holli.
That cop, uh, Harris, um,
he said we... we...
can't go any further
than this, Holli.
-I'm so hot for you, Jack.
Are you going
to follow the rules?
Or are you going to follow...
your instincts?
Oh, but Holli said
we could watch.
I'll be right back.
Yep! Oh, yeah! Oh! Yeah!
Ah... ah...
We're almost there.
Whoa! Okay...
Whoa... whoa!
Mm, was it good for you?
It wasn't what I expected.
Y-You gonna go in there
and-and make it up
to Lonette, boss?
Yeah, why not.
The fact is,
she's the best thing that
ever happened to me.
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Oh, I could put overtime
in on Deebs' Porsche.
I'm tireless.
Forget it.
The goons can't touch him
in Sweet Place,
and we'd just run ourselves
ragged giving him the shadow.
-Well... what should I do?
Man the phones,
keep pumping our informants.
Somebody might I.D. him.
And if that happens,
you call me.
You call me here or Lonette's ,
my place, I don't know.
Just don't make a move
without me, you got it?
I got it, boss!
Come on, let's go, now!
Hey, Lonette...
where's my drink, babe?
You know, I live to serve you.
I heard you
the first ten times.
Hey, come on, I'm -I'm sorry.
Get a little closer here,
babe, give us a kiss.
Say it, don't spray it.
Go away.
I'm out of here!
Tough night?
The usual.
Why you want to hang
around here, huh?
This place should be erased.
Hey... it's a living.
Even a doodle's got to eat.
Why don't you put that arm
around me.
It's been kind of a tough day.
Listen, you sludge hog
excuse for a cop.
Deebs and Holli just made it,
and they're about to make
an unscheduled trip
to the other side.
Ooh... Oh! Doh!
Holli?! Sheesh!
No end of trouble that
a little minx like her can make.
Why, she might damage the entire
interworld matrix or something.
I don't give a doodle!
Just bust her ass!
Ooh, better call Frank.
Better call Frank.
Uh, oh,
I just can't take it anymore.
Where's Frank?!
Frank! Frank Harris?
Looking for Frank!
Frank! Frank!
Where is he?! Where is he?!
Oh, no!
Frank Harris!
Aah, aah, aah! Frank!
Frank! Frank!
Thank God!
Yeah, Nails, what is it?
You having a good time,
Крутой мир Крутой мир

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- текст Пролетая над гнездом кукушки на английском
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- текст Дневник камикадзе на английском
- текст Мольба на английском
- текст Девушка и борода на английском

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