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Крутой мир

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She's a doodle, and I'm not.
Eh, I guess,
but did I ever tell you
about the time
I took up with the most
delightfully-stacked hussy
from the projects?
Right. Where to, Boss?
The club.
All right.
Aye, aye, aye!
Hey, Baby, how you doing?
Chico, is that you?
I ain't no Chico, runt.
And no noids.
He's with me.
Sorry, baby.
No noids.
He is with me, too.
Can't let the neighbors
push us around, can we?
Freeze, asshole.
Cool World Police.
Up against the wall.
Get your hands off me.
Where are your manners, Harris?
You, be quiet.
Hey, who are you?
Who are you?
I didn't create you.
No shit, Sherlock.
What'd you do with this, Deebs?
I'm a cartoonist.
I drew all this.
I have visions, I...
I have visions.
I translate this.
You do nothing, man.
This place exists
with or without you.
You believe me, right?
I'm not one of your creations.
Don't believe him!
No, you're not pretty enough.
Good one.
Have a seat.
Ordinary fountain pen, right?
Wrong. Around here...
Sit down!
Around here, this
can be a big nuisance.
You thirsty, Nails?
Get it?
One should be careful
how they wave this thing.
No, I don't get it.
Of course
you don't get it,
because you're a wackadoo.
But here you are, Jack.
And around here,
everything goes.
except one thing!
-Yeah, what?
-Yeah, yeah,
we know.
What's that?
noids do not have sex
with doodles.
Right? noids do not
have sex with doodles!
It's the oldest law
in Cool World.
I've never had to enforce it,
but you cross that line,
and I'll slap you around,
make you piss like a puppy.
you think she's got a thing
for you, don't you?
That's sweet.
But don't flatter
She's a waste of ink.
Oh, yeah?
The truth is,
she's been after me
and every other noid
who's come through here.
It's just that no one's
been insane enough
to get involved with her.
You keep your pencil
in your pocket.
You know what I mean?
I'll remember that, Officer.
You can go now.
Where did you get your
hair done, by the way?
Get out of here.
All right, the show's over!
So, Harris,
you could have beat him.
You could have beat him.
You could of been somebody.
Oh, you're not yellow,
are you, Harris?
You did well, Jack.
Hey, sexy.
Mmm. It's the man
with the badge.
In the flesh.
Don't remind me.
How can I help it?
What are you doing to me?
You're messing me up.
Oh, honey, you're tense.
It's Holli again, isn't it?
Yeah, Miss Holli
Would if she could.
That dame...
You heard anything?
Now, you know I don't listen
to that sleazy cow.
Don't . Just don't .
Well, why?
Because we can never finish it,
Lonette, you know?
lt-it-it's frustrating.
I'm , uh...
I'm like a... I'm like a plug
without a socket, you know?
Hey, Frank?
Hey, what?
Did you ever do it
in the Real World?
Do you ever think about
going back there so you can?
No way.
Maybe you and me?
I can't have that
in the Real World.
Uh-uh. I can't live without you.
But I can't be with you,
you know?
It's , jus... agh!
What do you do, huh?
What do you do?
Well, then...
we're just going to have
to pretend then, aren't we?
Hey, Boss!
I heard you, Nails.
Oh, my God, Boss!
I wouldn't do it!
Oh! Whew!
Hey, Boss, did I ever
tell you about...?
Shut up, Nails.
Come home, baby.
No... no... no...
No. No! No! No! No!
Glad you dropped in.
Well, here we are--
Holli's humble abode.
Do you think she'll let us in?
Forget it!
This party
is by invitation only.
This door has got an attitude.
How much further?
Oh, uh... I'd say
we're halfway up.
Or halfway down.
God, I hate heights.
Nails, this is no time
to catch a cold.
It is not a cold, Boss.
I am allergic to clouds.
Ah... ah... ah...
Oh... oh...
Pull this?
Ah... ah...
Don't even think about it.
That step's
Крутой мир Крутой мир

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