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Крутой мир

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- Sorry he didn't make it.
- I gotta take him back with me.
There's a nice girl back there.
She deserves to see him, dead or alive.
OK, Doc. Let her rip.
Oh, Nails!
He didn't make it. I'm sorry.
Oh, Frank, honey, no, please!
You can't leave me.
- Oh, no! Who killed him, Nails?
- He was pushed off a building.
- Who pushed him?
- Holli Would.
Holli Would? That bitch!
Nails, was she a doodle
when she aced him?
- Yeah, so what?
- So what?
What happens to noids
who traffic in the Cool World?
When they get killed by a doodle,
they become a doodle themselves.
Hot dog! Dig it! Dig me!
Oh, my God! Oh, Nails, he's alive!
- And he's gorgeous, too.
- Baby, what do you think?
You're a hero, Harris.
You saved the world.
So, what are you waiting for?
Come and get it.
Oh, Frankie.
So, did you do it while
you were in the Real World?
Did you do it? Ever think about
going back there so you can?
There's no reason now.
Hey, boss, we gotta go.
- Get outta here!
- I'm sorry!
I'm so sorry. I can't stand myself.
Well, then, we're just going to have to
stop pretending now, aren't we?
Bye-bye, folks, have a nice life.
What a beautiful landscape. Let's see.
The house here, the studio here.
I'll still draw.
We'll raise children here,
I'll fight crime over there.
We're going to be deliriously happy,
Pencil dick.
Subtitles by: Duncan Millar
Крутой мир

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