Yeah. - But Holli said we could watch. - I'll be right back. - Was it good for you? - It wasn't what I expected. Are you going to go in there and make it up to Lonette? Yeah, why not? Fact is, she's the best thing that ever happened to me. I could put overtime in on Deebs, boss. I'm tireless. Forget it. The Goons can't touch him and we'd just run ourselves ragged giving him the shadow. - What should I do? - Keep pumping our informants. Somebody might ID him. If that happens, call me. Call me here or Lonette's or my place. I don't know. - Don't make a move without me, OK? - I got it, boss. Hey, Lonette, where's my drink, babe? I live to serve you. I heard you the first ten times. I'm sorry. Get a little closer. Give us a kiss. - Say it, don't spray it. - Go away. I'm outta here. - Tough night? - The usual. Yeah. Why do you want to hang around here? This place should be erased. It's a living. Even a doodle's gotta eat. Why don't you put that arm around me? It's been a tough day. Listen, you sludgehog excuse for a cop. Deebs and Holli just made it. They're about to make an unscheduled trip to the other side. Holli! There's no end of trouble a little minx like her can make. She might damage the entire inter-world matrix. I don't give a doodle. Just bust her ass. Better call Frank. Better call Frank. I just can't take it any more. Where's Frank? Frank Harris. Looking for Frank. Where is he? - Thank God. - OK. - Yeah, what is it? - Having a good time, boss? - I guess. Were you having a good time? - Nails, leave us alone. Oh, I just love your ears. OK, Nails, what's the problem? No trouble. Nothing I can't handle myself. - I was just checking in. - Yeah, you sure? All right. OK, Nails. It's incredible. Wait a minute here. What am I nervous for? I could do this job myself. Holli, why do we have to go back? It's so great here. Oh, Jack. We're noids. And noids just can't do doodle here. I want to do it all, Jack. And together we'll be unstoppable. But you know something I've got to do? I've got to tell the boys goodbye. - They'll be lost without me. - I understand. - I know. - I miss you already. - I know. I'll be back. Bye. - Be back soon. Why the hell did you do it? Are those curtains you're wearing? You look horrendous, horrible, like a high-school hippy. Peace, man. That's right, boys. I made it. Halt! Halt, in the name of the law! Halt, I say. Howdy, Nails. As you see, there've been some changes around here. You are a biomorphic menace. I forbid you to take one step out of the Cool World. You eight-armed ink spot. Who do you think you're dealing with? I'm real. You made it with a noid. You don't know what you are. Mark my words. You leave here and it is trouble for you two. I'm leaving, pencil dick. Just try and stop me. Don't do it. Don't do it, girl. That's so beautiful. That's so bad. That's gotta hurt. A pen job! Oh, pen me, too. Pen me, pen me. Oh, hit me. Hit me. Hit me again. Hit me. Jack, time to go. Get us out of here. We gotta get out of here. Hold on tight. Oh, Jack, I really like it here. I think I'll go change. Mom, he may be in trouble. We've gotta help him. - It's none of our business. - It is. He's our neighbour. I love her. Hello. This is me. It's me. Isabelle and Jennifer Malley, this is Holli... my friend. This is Jack. Holli is from out of town. Well, we didn't mean to bother you, it's just... - We were scared you might be hurt. - No, no. Thanks for asking. Well, thanks. It's good to have nice neighbours. Nice neighbours. I'm real. Yeah, you sure are, honey. - I'm real. - Bye. - She was a cheap piece of work. - I thought she was pretty. I've got this feeling I know her from somewhere. He looks full of life to me, for goodness' sakes. What happened, ink stain? He had a run-in with a noid, then he got inked. - That damned Deebs. - It was Holli
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