Ordinary fountain pen? - Right. Wrong. Around here... Sit down. Around here this can be a big nuisance. You thirsty, Nails? Get it? One should be careful with this thing. - No. - Of course not, you're a whack-a-do. But here you are, Jack. And around here everything goes except one thing. What? - What's that? - Noids do not have sex with doodles. Right. Noids do not have sex with doodles. It's the oldest law. I've never had to enforce it. You cross that line, I'll slap you around and make you piss like a puppy. Jack, you think she's got a thing for you, don't you? That's sweet. But don't flatter yourself. She's a waste of ink. She's been after me and every other noid who's been here. It's just that no one's been insane enough to get involved with her. You keep your pencil in your pocket. Know what I mean? - I'll remember that. - You can go now. - Where'd you get your hair done? - Get outta here. - All right, the show's over. - You could've beat him. You could've been somebody. You're not yellow, are you, Harris? You did well, Jack. - Hey, sexy. - It's the man with the badge. In the flesh. - Don't remind me. - How can I help it? What are you doing to me? You're messing me up. Oh, honey, you're tense. It's Holli again, isn't it? Yeah, Miss Holli Would-if-she-could. That dame. You heard anything? You know I don't listen to that sleazy cow. Don't. Just don't. - But why? - Because we can never finish it. It's frustrating. I'm like a plug without a socket, you know? - Hey, Frank. - What? Did you ever do it in the Real World? Ever think about going back there so you can? No. No way. Baby, you and me, I can't have that in the Real World. I can't live without you. But I can't be with you, you know. What do you do, huh? What do you do? Well, we're just going to have to pretend, then, aren't we? Hey, boss. - Boss! - I heard you, Nails. Oh, my God! I wouldn't do it! Oh, phew! - Boss, did I ever tell you about...? - Shut up. Jack. Come home, baby. No, no, no. Glad you dropped in. Here we are. Holli's humble abode. Do you think she'll let us in? Forget it. This party is by invitation only. This door has got an attitude. - How much further? - I'd say we're halfway up. - Or halfway down. - Right. God, I hate heights. Nails, this is no time to catch a cold. It's not a cold, boss. I'm allergic to clouds. You what? Boss. Don't even think about it. - That felt smashingly good. - Yeah. - Make sure no one gets out this door. - Absolutement, boss. - Hello, Harris. Welcome to the party. - What a swell party it is. Thanks for having me. I should've known riff-raff like you would be involved in this equation, Sparks. What equation? I've discovered that if you look for trouble, you find it. - What's your problem? - Bad childhood. Where's the noid? You're the only noid here, Harris. Last warning. You stay away from the noid or you're closed for business permanently. Have a splendid evening. Want to know what it is about you that really kicks my ass? How about my foot? You prance around like you're some big deal. You could cross over to the Real World, but you haven't the guts. You don't have what it takes to be real. That makes you a wimp. You may be right, Slick. Be content with the cards you've been dealt. - What's the deal? - It's getting serious, Nails. - We gotta find Jack Deebs. - Right. - Go for it, Jack. - You better have an appointment. - Go on, Jack. - He does, but you don't. But Holli said we could watch. - Watch what? - Go on up. Go on up. Go on. Bring me a souvenir, Jack. Hey, Jack. I've been waiting for you. You like looking at me, Jack, don't you? A man is in the bedroom. Run, girls, run! - OK, you listen to me, Holli. - What? That cop, Harris, said we can't go any further than this, Holli. I'm so hot for you. - Are you going to follow the rules? - No. - Or your instincts? -
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