/i> But without you, I'd never have made it. - You look good tonight, babe. - It's time you came to me, Jack. Come to me. Oh, baby! I've been waiting for you, darling. Hey, Sparkey, what are you up to? What makes you think I'd tell a little punk like you? He's gone soft for that tomato. What's her name? Holli or something. Enough out of you, kiddie. You're too young to be thinking about girls. Especially that girl. Here, a bunch of wooden nickels. Don't spend them all in one place. Did you step in it? There's a flower on your head. Hey! Look out! I hate it when she meets guys without telling me. I light up like... neon Just a tiny section of your affection In my direction will do Detective Harris. What a pleasure. I was just rehearsing. Hello, Holli. This is an exact replica of the dress Marilyn Monroe wore in Let's Make Love. I know that movie by heart. The girl gets everything by the end of it. Everything she ever wanted. It's real. I mean it. I even saw a copyright date on it. Rumour has it, Holli, that you had a noid visitation at the Slash Club last night. It was just a mind slip. Nothing special. You're just a regular true believer in law and order, huh? - Cut me a couple. - Come on, let's go. Beat it, copper. Just doing my job. Hey, Frank. Don't go just yet. Come here. I've got something to show you. Guess what? I've seen your museum of Vegas. And don't start in with your Vegas Vinnie rap. I've heard it. It bores me. Vegas Vinnie made the Spike. Crossed over and became the owner of the Union Plaza hotel. Vegas Vinnie is a fairytale, Would. Doodle moms tell it to doodle kids to help them go to sleep. It could all be true. You got over here, so why couldn't he make it over there? Or for that matter, why couldn't I? You could help me. There'll be no crossovers while I'm around. I've got news for you, pal. I am not your ordinary doodle. I've seen what these noid dames have in the Real World and I want it! Don't you see? They're real. They've got power. When they touch something, they feel it. And when they taste something, they really taste it. And when they do it with a man... ...they really do it. What can I say? I can't help you in that department. Don't you see? Believe it. I've had enough. Oh, yeah? Fine. You don't want to help, then I'll find somebody else that will. Like that noid cartoonist, Jack Deebs. He's been around a lot lately. Yes, the whack-a-do who thinks he invented this place. What do you think I've been talking about? I'd watch it, 'cause there might be two of you before long. I'll tell you once. You gotta be smarter than you look. You're dealing with shit that's way over your head. Keep your legs crossed and forget about the Real World. Thank you. Would you look at those legs! Stay cool, man. I'm outta here. - Get off the lawn. - Shut up. Get your ball and get out of here. Hi, Gail, it's me, Jennifer. What do you mean? I'm here. I'll call you later, OK? Oh, boy, another addict, huh? My God, it's you, isn't it? You're Jack Deebs, creator of Cool World, right? I can't believe it! Do you know what an inspiration your work is to people? I know people who want to be Holli Would when they grow up. Yeah. Sparks, the Goons, all of 'em. Oh, man. Your stuff, it's like crucial spiritual nourishment for people. They live on it. My boss would throw himself on the ground and give you a lifetime gift certificate. He's kind of crazy. Hey, would you sign this for him? Thanks. Go ahead. So, are you living here now again? - Yeah, I just got back. - Yeah. When we close, I go down to this place for coffee. They read poetry, do jazz, you know. Problem is, I just got back into town, as I said, and... ...I haven't really got my feet on the ground, but it's really nice of you to ask. Why don't you do a book on that
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