could just squeeze it. Let me see your ear, sweetie. Oh, don't be shy. Get off! He loves me, he loves me not. He loves me, he loves me not. He loves me... mmm! He loves me. Now, be nice. Nice. Nice. Nice. Ooh, hello, Holli. Ooh, you never cease to amaze me. How fabulous your hair looks today. Boy... can she knock it back. Hey, hey, how about saving some for me? Please! Hey, come on, come on! Holli wants to get a look at you. Come on. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's a nice little boy. Come, darling, she awaits. A little closer. Let her see you. Ah, yeah. Welcome to my world... big man. Am I... Am I dreaming? Am I dreaming you? Or are you dreaming me? I drew you. I made you. Hey, I... maybe I can erase you. You wouldn't erase me, baby. You're too hungry for what I got. No, I'm , uh... I'm trying to quit. Since it's only a dream, indulge your fantasies, Jack. You're so real, so strong. You could help comb my hair, tickle my mind, and... Yes, I have failed. Thank you. I'm calm now. Boo-hoo, boo-hoo! Filthy bad guys didn't play fair. I want you to tear and rip their miserable faces inside out till their mother doesn't recognize them. Pretty please? Let's go, guys. Come on. Wait for me! I got news for you, baby. I'm made of ink... but I'm no dream. Ah! What'd you do that for? Because I dig you. This is a long dream. Isn't it, Jack? The poppers. Let's burn. What? Let's go. Come on. Come on. To the left. Do you like it, Deebs? Yeah. Course you do. This is your idea of heaven, right? Yeah, it's , uh... it's amazing, it's incredible. But I won. Little late for a lady to be out on the streets, don't you think? I got a couple of questions for you, miss. Aw, come on, Officer. Let it slide, would ya? I'm tired. Word is, you got a thing for noids. Yeah, I got a thing for noids. But what's it to you, tough guy? Baby, baby, you don't know how tough it is. You're late. Aw, you're killing me. Why are you so beautiful? Mm-mm-mm. What's wrong? You don't look right. Aw, it's Holli. I think she's in heat again. With that noid from last night? Oh, don't worry about it. You know that. Wh-Why you always want to bust...? Gotcha. All right. Where you wanna go? Uh, movies? Uh, dinner...? We have abused the privilege... Our color is fading. Repent, repent, all toons. Listen to me. The end is near. Hey, Boss, we gotta go. We... A thousand pardons. An informer told me he's here again. Holli and the goons got him. He's not just coming through on a dream. Perhaps it is time to pursue other avenues. Right, let's hit the bricks. Yeah, yeah, I know. Be careful, Frank. Oh, I think she's partial to you. Yeah, but facts is facts. She's a doodle, and I'm not. Eh, I guess, but did I ever tell you about the time I took up with the most delightfully-stacked hussy from the projects? Yeah. Right. Where to, Boss? The club. All right. Aye, aye, aye! Hey, Baby, how you doing? Chico? Chico, is that you? I ain't no Chico, runt. And no noids. He's with me. Sorry, baby. No noids. He is with me, too. Can't let the neighbors push us around, can we? Freeze, asshole. Uh-oh! Cool World Police. Ooh! Copper! Up against the wall. Get your hands off me. Where are your manners, Harris? You, be quiet. Hey, who are you? Who are you? I didn't create you. No shit, Sherlock. What'd you do with this, Deebs? I'm a cartoonist. I drew all this. I have visions, I... I have visions. I translate this. You do nothing, man. This place exists with or without you. You believe me, right? I'm not one of your creations. Don't believe him! No, you're not pretty enough. Good one. Have a seat. Ordinary fountain pen, right? Yeah. Wrong. Around here... Sit down! Around here, this can be a big nuisance. You thirsty, Nails? Whoa! Get it? One should be careful how they wave this thing. No, I don't get it. Of course you
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