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Крутой мир

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kids to help them go to sleep.
It could all be true.
You got over here.
So why couldn't he make it
over there?
Or for that matter,
why couldn't I?
You could help me.
There'll be no crossovers
while I'm around.
I've got news for you, pal.
I am not your ordinary doodle.
I've been checking up
on what these noid dames
have got going
in the real world,
and I want it!
Don't you see?
They're real.
They've got power.
When they touch something,
they feel it.
And when
they taste something...
...they really taste it.
And when they do it
with a man...
...they really do it.
What can I say, sweetheart?
I can't help you out
in that department.
Well, don't you see?
Believe it.
I've had enough.
Oh, yeah? Fine.
You don't want to help me?
Then I'll find somebody else
that will.
Like that noid cartoonist,
Jack Deebs.
He's been around a lot lately.
Yes, he has.
The whack-a-do who thinks
he invented this place.
What do you think I've been
talking about, Holli?
Well, I'd watch it, honey,
'cause there might be
two of you before long.
I'm going to tell you this once
'cause you got to be
smarter than you look.
You're dealing with shit here
that's way over your head.
Now, keep your legs crossed
and forget about the real world.
Thank you for your time.
Would you look at those legs!
Stay cool, man.
I'm out of here.
Hey, Bobby, let's go.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
What are you guys doing?
Get off the lawn.
-Shut up.
Get your ball
and get out of here.
Hi, Gail, it's me, Jennifer.
What do you mean?
I'm here.
Yeah, I'll call you
later tonight, okay?
Thank you.
Oh, boy. Another addict, huh?
My God, it's you, isn't it?
You're Jack Deebs, the creator
of Cool World, right?
Oh, my God.
I can't believe this.
Do you have any idea
what kind of an inspiration
your work is to people?
No, I, uh...
I mean, I know people--
friends of mine who want to be
Holli Would
when they grow up.
Sparks, the goons, all of them.
Oh, man.
Your stuff, it's like crucial
spiritual nourishment
for people.
They live on it.
Oh, man.
If my boss was here,
he'd , like, throw himself
on the ground right now
and give you a lifetime
gift certificate
-to this place.
Oh, yeah.
He's kind of crazy.
Hey, would you sign this
for him?
Thank you.
Thanks. Oh, go ahead.
Cool, Mike.
So, um...
you living here now again?
Yeah, I just, uh...
I just got back.
Well, um, when
this place closes down,
I go down to this place
right off the strip for coffee.
They, uh, read poetry,
do jazz, you know.
Problem is, you know,
I just, uh...
I just got, uh,
got back into town, as I said,
and I, uh, haven't really
got my feet, uh,
you know,
on the ground.
Uh... but it's really
nice of you to ask.
-Thank you.
Hey, Deebs,
why don't you do a book
on that guy you murdered?
You know, that guy
you found in bed with your wife.
So, uh, what do I...?
It's on the house.
Oh, okay. Thanks.
So maybe, uh, some other time?
Who are you?
Who am I?
Who are you, yes.
I'm , uh...
I'm , uh, Jack Deebs.
I didn't realize that.
-Nice meeting you, Jack.
-Nice to meet you.
Stay well.
-Thank you.
See ya.
Hey, bright eyes, yo!
You going to pay for that?
Gee whiz, sis.
I don't know.
It looks like
such fun down there.
All I need is a four
and I win.
It's a four, yay!
Oops... snake eyes!
You lose.
But... but I won.
You lost.
Pay up.
Well, my dear,
we can always
take it out in trade.
Listen here, fleabag,
pay up or your inside...
is gonna be your outside.
Look at that!
Is that you?
Put her there, pal.
Get away from me!
Ooh, I look
fabulous, honey!
Get away from me!
You lost it, man!
That's why you're here.
Get away!
-Ooh, darling, I want your hair.
-Get off!
Ooh, and your neck, ooh!
-Get off!
-Ooh, I
Крутой мир Крутой мир

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- текст Один дома 3 на английском

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