ENGLISHOh... Oh. Mom, I'm home five seconds, you're already cooking. Come here, I got something to show you. -Well, wait a minute. -Outside. Wait a minute. I haven't finished cooking your dinner. Yeah, it's a surprise. It's all right. Come on. Shut your eyes. Good. Shut 'em. -Okay, you ready? -Mm-hmm. -You sure? -Mm-hmm. All right. Whoa. Turning. Oh, it's cold. It's not cold. Even the chickens are cold. Okay, steps. We have steps. -Ready? One... -One... -...two... -...two... -...and three. -...three! Okay, look. -No, that's not it. -Well... Shut 'em. Shut 'em. Come on. Now, Frank... h-how far are we gonna go? Ooh. Come on, come on. Come on... You're all right. Sweetie, the dinner's just gonna... The dinner's fine. Okay. Almost, almost... now... now! Oh, it's ... -Is that beautiful? -Oh, it's ... -Huh? -It's lovely. I know. I won it in a poker game in Italy. -Huh? -Well... well, drive it carefully, honey. I will. -Enjoy it... -I will. but be careful. God, Ma, you're such a mom. You ready? We're going for a ride. Oh, no, no. I have to finish dinner. Ma, Ma, one ride. Oh. Oh... Watch this, Ma, no hands. Oh, Frank, don't do that! I wouldn't do that. Come on. You! I'm in for five. Thank you, gentlemen. My pleasure. Hey, girl. Get in here. Whoa! -Oh! -Whoa! This is fun, right? Maybe. Yeah. -Ooh, careful. -Hey, I'm driving here. I'm home. Whoo! Mortar's coming! Mortar's coming in! Machine gun, right flank! Machine gun, right flank! Medic! That's when you saw them, huh? Well, it works. My Spike works. Okay. Okay. Easy, easy. Okay. -Take it easy. -Take it easy. No! I've got a headache. Have you got some Wite-Out? Ma! Ma! You don't know what it is you got yourself into, bud, but you're a long way from home. Oh, but it's so confusing. Where to go, where to go... yes... Ma! Oh, bother. What the hell are you? They're doodles. Cartoons? Don't get too close, Doc. I can't believe what I've done. My Spike was supposed to send me to your world, but instead you're here. This man's not dangerous to anyone. As for us, son, we may not be real to you as yet... ...but we will be. You've come to a whole new world. You've done something extremely rare. You see, you're in a real place called the Cool World. Hmm. Oh. How strange. Say " ah." Ah. But when it comes to making the trip in the body... Did you hear about the wolf that built the studio? -No, not... -...l've never seen it before. Oh! Oh, my goodness. I'm sorry about your mother. You're cartoons. You're not real. Oh-ho, we're real, all right. The possibility of interworld travel has been an obsession of mine for many, many years. Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho! Hey, Doc, wait. This man is not for you. He's not a police problem. He's a mystery of science. And a hero to boot. I ain't no hero. Oh, don't be so sure, friend. With this hole I've opened, there could be all kinds of problems. Ha-ha. They call me Doc Whiskers. What's your name, son? I'm Frank Harris. What did you do in your world? I was a soldier. Oh, you could be useful here when I'm gone. Where are you from? Um, Vegas. Tomorrow we're out of here. You're just a drawing, Holli, but without you, I'd never have made it. Oh, you look good tonight, babe. It's time you came to me, Jack. Come to me. Ooh, baby! -Hey-ya, hey-ya. -Hey-ya, hey-ya. I've been waiting for you, darlin' -Huh? -Hmm? Uh, Sparky, uh, whatcha up to, huh? What makes you think I'd tell a little punk like you? Why, he's going soft for that tomato. Uh... w-w-what's her name? H-H-Holli or something. Yeah. Enough out of you, kitty. You're too young to be thinking about girls. Especially that girl. Here. A bunch of wooden nickels. Don't spend them all in one place. W-W-What? Philip flew the coop last night. Hey, Molina! Hey, Molina! Come over here. Did you step in it? Hey, there's a flower on
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