Move! Go, now! This is Kramer. Chas Kramer, asshole. Asshole. What? Oh, this is Kramer. Chas Kramer, asshole. - Chas! - What? - Move the car. - Why? Move the damn car! "Chas, move the car. " There, car's moved. Lift it up over the bed. Tie that end off. Hennessy, over the top. Close your eyes. And whatever happens, don't look. No! Show yourself. Smile pretty, you vain prick. For your boss. Pull it! Ma? Ma? Like I said, I found you something, didn't I, John? Didn't I? What happened in there? Going to a lot of meetings, I see. Keeps the voices out so I can sleep. I have to sleep, John. I need some help, Father. You do? From me? What kind of...? - Hey, listen, I... - That exorcism wasn't right. Listen to the ether. Anything unusual, you let me know. Come on, you don't need its protection. It'll be like back in the day. A few days. Okay. Okay. For you, John. John, why would you do that if you know it's not my car? - I told you to move it. - You did tell me to move it... ...but if you'd said you were dropping a 300-pound mirror with a demon... ...I would've moved it further, John. - Take Alvarado. - Yeah, thank you. I know what to take. You ever think if you told me more now that maybe I could help out? - No? - Nope. Nope? Of course it's a nope. Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It's been... ...two weeks since my last confession. I killed a man today. Another one. I didn't even see his face, I just... ...pulled the trigger, and he went away. Most cops go 20 years without firing their guns. Why do I always know where these guys are? Where to aim, when to fire. I'm wondering, is there something wrong with me, Father? Something damned? God has a plan for you. He has a plan for us all. You mustn't let your faith be overshadowed by guilt. Yeah, I'm trying. I'm trying real hard. Isabel. Isabel. Things I've beaten. Things most people never even heard of. And now I'm gonna be done in by this. Wouldn't be the first, John. Come on, Les. You saved me before, you can do it again, right? This is aggressive. Twenty years ago, you didn't wanna be here. Now you don't wanna leave. Yeah, that's a good idea. John, you really need to prepare. - Make arrangements. - No need. I already know exactly where I'm going. - Morning. - Good morning. - Good morning. - Detective. - No, no, no. - Angela, wait. You don't need to see this, okay? No. Give us the room, please. Isabel. She fell from the roof? She jumped. - No. - Look... ...I know it's hard to accept. She was sick. - Isabel wouldn't kill herself. - Angie. - She wouldn't kill herself. - Detective. - Period. - Detective. Period! Angie, there were security cameras. - Hold the door. You going down? - Not if I can help it. A new case? The big score? The mother lode? The one you've been waiting for? - Humor me. - Don't I always? Oh, yeah, that's... Much obliged. Thank you. How you feeling, John? So, what's new? Bullet shavings from the assassination attempt on the pope... ...holy-water ampoules from the River Jordan... ...and... Oh, you'll love this. - Screech beetle from Amityville. Yeah, it's funny to you, but to the fallen, that's like nails on a chalkboard. What is it, exactly, with you and bugs? I just like them. Yeah. Who doesn't? Yeah, easy there, hero. - That's dragon's breath. - I thought you couldn't get it anymore. Yeah, well, I know a guy who knows a guy. So, what's the action? I just pulled a soldier demon out of a little girl. Looked like it was trying to come through. Yeah, I know how it sounds. No, we're finger puppets to them, John... ...not doorways. They can work us, but they can't come through onto our plane. Check the scrolls anyway. See if there's any precedent. Sure thing, John. Anything else? Wouldn't happen to have anything for a...? ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Полицейский из Беверли-Хиллз III на английском - текст На краю Вселенной на английском - текст Муму на английском - текст Минотавр на английском - текст Клуб Парадиз на английском |