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Конец игры

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Because suicide is just too easy.
Well, with Baldwin still alive,
he could've been tied in to the whole thing.
It's just a matter of time.
So, he took the easy way out.
But why do it in the first place?
I don't know.
We're still looking for a motive.
And what if you don't find one?
What then, you're just gonna walk away?
Far enough to see things
from a different perspective.
- That's it?
- Unless you know something I don't.
- Thomas, I don't believe it.
- What?
After everything that we've been through...
after everything that's happened to us,
you're still holding out on me?
Fine. All right, well,
you know I won't give up.
I'm not the woman that just walks away.
Now, I will find out the truth. I will.
- To the truth.
- To the truth.
Конец игры

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