Hello. - Kate, Jesus Christ, where've you been? - No calls, no fax. - I know. I even told you an e-mail would work. Yes. I'm sending you an e-mail right now with the whole story. Yeah, right. Okay, listen, this thing is so much bigger than any of us thought. Okay, every lead that I've gone to is dead. And I almost joined them. - What? - So, I'm typing it right now. You should get it momentarily. Listen, I gotta go. My phone is running out of juice. - No, don't hang... Don't. - Okay, bye. There were several fluids on his shorts... but there were no other prints found at the scene, other than his. Stevens was murdered. No way it was a suicide. Some woman fled the scene. Wait a minute. Crawford said she saw him earlier today with Judy Fincher... some well-known publisher. I remember her now. She was with Stevens at the wake. - Janice. - Yes? Find out what you can on a Judith Fincher. - F-l-N-C-H-E-R. - Right away, Alex. All right. So what do we have? Detimore is dying of cancer, hired to kill the President. Gives the money to his family. Baldwin comes in to clean up any loose ends. Videotape shows that he probably got the gun from Stevens. Not to mention a fake press pass. Stevens would be the perfect one to engineer it. Stevens used to handle Baldwin. Probably got him to do the dirty work. All the evidence points to Stevens... making him the only real loose end to tie up. Yeah, but why? What does he have to gain? Money? Power? He had plenty of both. Well, why do men do anything? - Women. - Right, women. - What do you got? - Nothing out of the ordinary. Graduated Yale Law, went straight into publishing. Pretty standard bio. I printed out some pictures and a complete business history. - Thank you. - You're welcome. Here. Martin here. What? Took down two agents before he escaped. We need you over here right away. I'll be right there. Baldwin killed two agents at the hospital and disappeared. - And they had the place surrounded. - Let's go. If he manages to escape and finds out that Stevens is dead... he's gonna come after you and Crawford. Head over to the hospital. I'll call if I need backup. Answer the phone. Hello. Is everything all right? Yeah, everything's fine, why? Baldwin just escaped. What? Thomas, I can't... Hello? Shit. Hello. Flashlight. Hello, beautiful. Help me understand something. With all the horrible things going on in the world... why do you concentrate... on a man who's not worth his weight in fertilizer, huh? Talk to me. Come on, tell me why. Well, now you have nothing to say, huh? Talk to me! Say something! Then kiss me. Kate? Kate. Thomas! Thomas! Good god, Alex. What happened? Stevens is dead. Vaughn Stevens? - Baldwin's dead, too. - Baldwin? Who is Baldwin? What are you talking about? There's no political motivation, no financial motivation. The only motivation I see is a personal one. - Why bring this to me? - Because I need to know the truth. Like I told you before. You're too close. You can't see it. You have to see it from the right perspective. Right perspective. Perspective. Try mine. Perspective. If you can't see it, Alex, then you're still too close. Not anymore. Good. Then you understand. There's nothing you can do. You have no proof. It was always your job to keep his secret. I just want the President to be... remembered as a good President. Still protecting him, huh? It's over, Alex. - Wow, you clean up real good. - Why, thank you. - You look very handsome yourself. - Thank you. Took the liberty of ordering us a bottle of wine. - Cheers. - Cheers. No ring. You know, this isn't a date-date. - You think I'd date you? - Like you'd ever get the chance. - Unless. - Unless? Unless you tell me what really happened with Stevens. The whole story.
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