Open up! Oh, I'm burned! I'm burning down! Thomas! - What the hell happened? - You better buckle up. Son of a bitch. Here, have this on your conscience, then. Please don't hit him! Car. Car. Car! Bus. Thomas, there's a bus. Okay, you see the kids? It's gonna be on your head. Thomas, stop! Thomas, bus! Stop! Stop! It's a bus! So what're you gonna do? There are children on it! Stop! Let him go! Well, you lose, you son of a bitch. - Bang! - Bye-bye. Thank you. Thank you. - You might want to stay here. - What? What? What in the... This is not good. - What are you doing? - I owe him one. Not good. This is not good! This is not good! Shit! Stevens. Miss Crawford, would you excuse us, please? What did I tell you this morning? Give me two days, did I not? - It was my idea, sir. - Shut up. Did I not say that this morning? - It's all my idea, sir. - Really? Then how come you knew... that the assassin's accomplice would be in that warehouse? - 'Cause I told him, sir. - That's right. - And he's only a suspect. - What are our losses? Two dead, two wounded, one critically burned and in IC. - Is he gonna pull through? - Yes, thanks to Thomas, he has a chance. Off the record. Off the record. You two... Three, did a hell of a job out there today. Okay, what's the deal with this guy, the suspect... or "not the suspect"? Still unconscious and in critical condition. All right. Well, we'll need him alive. - Call me when he can talk. - Yes, sir. - Miss Crawford. - Mr. Stevens. - Can I speak with you, please? - Of course. Wonder Woman. Remarkable what you did today, thank you. I appreciate that. And you have an article to write, do you not? Yes, and a very good one, at that. Now, since you're so intimately involved in all of this... could you spare the details to the public, until I get to the bottom of it? The public has a right to know. I'm not ordering you. I wouldn't, I couldn't. I'm asking you. And in return, I will give you an exclusive one-on-one with me. - Before anyone else? - Yes. - Full disclosure? - Yes. - Deal. - Deal. - What did he say? - Well, overall, I'd say it went pretty well. For now. Let's get out of here. Hey, take my car. I'll find another ride. Look after it, will you? Thanks, Brian. This way. Pull! Pull! Great shot, General. Thank you, Alex. I didn't realize you were bringing a journalist with you. Sir. - Miss Crawford. No offense. - None taken, General. We're working together on this one, sir. Really? What you got for me? His name is Philip Keefer. I put him in the hospital yesterday. His name is Jack Baldwin. - Not Keefer? - No. He's a former contract employee for the CIA. You mean contract killer? Ten years ago, he was a deputy director's man. He virtually ran the ISG. General? Who was the deputy director of operations then? Vaughn Stevens. Stevens? I know where you're headed with this, but I'll stake my reputation. The CIA had nothing to do with the assassination of the President. As a matter of fact, the President was very close to the CIA. What's curious about all this is... Baldwin. I mean, even with him in the picture, there's no motive. Question is, who would gain the most... by the death of the President? Like to stay for breakfast? That's very generous of you, sir, but I think it's best we get going. - All right. - Thank you again, General. Remember, the deeper you dig... the less you're gonna like what you find. ...understand that, right? Of course I understand. I'm in the middle of it as much as you are. Why didn't you try calling me or something? - I will, I'll call you Thursday. - Okay. - Okay? - Okay. Until then, stiff upper lip. All right? - Miss Crawford, aren't you here a bit early? - It was light traffic. Sorry to have surprised you. - Who was that? - No one important. Really? 'Cause it looked like Judy Fincher from WestLake Publishing. You wouldn't be
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