Detimore... two weeks before the National Merit Awards... one week before the White House announces... the President's going to be there? You just mull that over, okay? Oh, and the bum who showed me the apartment is dead, as of yesterday. Okay. - Okay. - Okay. Can we get my purse? I left it on the dock. - So, why me? - Because I need your help. And there's a conspiracy here and I know you're not involved. Wait. Why are the lights still on? Okay, I don't mean to be rude, Thomas, but you really need to fix this. In case you have company here. Keep your eyes on the water. - Shoot them if they come back up. - Okay. I knew. I told you. I told you I was being followed. Aren't you supposed to listen to your instincts? Crawford... - What? - Calm down. - Okay. I'm calm. - Calm down. You're supposed to listen to your instincts and I always do. I always say, "Just listen to your instincts, Kate, listen." And I didn't listen. And whenever you don't listen... - things happen, bad things happen... - Relax. They're gone. They're go... There's one right there. What do you mean, they're gone? Come on. You need to check the trees, then check the car. - Okay. - And can you get my purse, please? Thank you. Excuse me, sir. - You should've stayed and backed them up. - I'm sorry. - Like I said, I don't do wet work. - Yeah, you did, didn't you? All right, so we take a different approach. We find out who can lead them to us and we just get there first. - Thanks for doing this for me. - No problem. The police ID'd the guys who tried to kill you yesterday. Eli Arman. Arrested twice for illegal arms dealing. And his pal, Nick Gower, no convictions. But I got lucky. Their sidekick on the second bust, Tony Morino... is doing 10 years at the federal pen. - Is there any way that you could... - They're expecting you. Here's your clearance. Eli Arman. He's dead. I'm all broke up. Who were you and Eli smuggling guns for? - All right, what's in this for me? - You got eight years left, no parole. I can get you out of this rat hole and into a minimum-security facility. - And for this I got to do what? - Just answer the fucking question. Me and Nick Gower worked for Arman. But he wasn't running the show. Who was? I don't know. It's compartmented. This way, if one guy got busted... he didn't take everybody else down with him. Now, Arman, he worked for Mike Maguire, and he reported to the top guy. Where do I find this Mike Maguire? Last I remember, he was living in the DC area... liked to hang out at a place called the Stars and Stripes Cafй. - So when am I getting out of here? - As soon as your information checks out. Let's go. Thank you. - You visited a Thelma Detimore yesterday? - Yeah, why? Her trailer was blown up. - What about her mom? - She was in it. Oh, my God. That's three people dead because I went to go talk to them. It's not gonna get any better, Kate. Good girl, Janice. Mike Maguire. Mike Maguire. Mike Maguire? You know, this guy looks so familiar to me. I just can't place him. You think he's gonna show up today? His favorite haunt. Good a place to start as any. It's a needle in a haystack. Hey, looks like our needle just showed up. Oh, my God. Move! Call the cops. Hello? Yes. A man just ran by me with a gun. Get out! 53-31, copy that. Freeze! Freeze! Here comes my little hero. Freeze! Drop your weapon! Freeze! Drop your gun, now! Secret Service! Put your gun down, now! - Secret Service. Check the ID. - Put the gun down, now! Step over to the car, sir. This is 53-31 calling. We apprehended an armed man, Special Agent Alex Thomas. Look out! - I owe you one. - Maguire's dead. He's dead. - Thomas, you're bleeding. - Yeah. Sir, are you okay? The tags were stolen off a Beamer three days ago. But that bumper you described... is a chrome, titanium steel, drop bumper, very rare. Only 35 body shops are qualified
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