usual out-of-contact-for-weeks. You know, an e-mail would also work for me. It's not gonna last forever, you know? Don't worry about it, Bri. I understand procedure. To be honest with you... I could use the time to get my head on straight... think things through. Hey, hey, cut yourself some slack, man. We've gone over every second of that day. You did everything by the book. Stevens was looking for you earlier. Listen. If you need anything, call me. Okay? Come in. I heard you were looking for me, sir? Agent Thomas, I know you're required to take time off. But keep in touch, because when all this clears... - I'm gonna need you back. - Yes, sir. And do not blame yourself for what happened. It wouldn't have changed direction if it didn't go through my hand first, sir. Now, listen. You took a bullet for the man. Nobody can ask for more than that. Yes, sir. Please stop at that area, but just stay back. Thank you. - That's far enough. - All right. Okay. Don't mind him. He's always out here begging. He won't bother you. Okay. Thanks. Excuse me? Hi. - May I talk with you for a minute? - Arthur Fuller's the name. My friends call me Shakey. My name's Kate. - Cool kicks, Shakey. - Zip-a-dee-doo. It's a look. Were you here when the President was assassinated? Yeah. Bad scene. Did you see the shooter here, that day? No. Not around here. Wait, wait. Sorry? When you say that you didn't see him around here... do you mean that you haven't seen him at all... or that you've seen him somewhere else? I've seen him where he lived. Where? Where have you seen him? Well, for $20, I'll show you. Shangri-la. - You sure he was living here? - Scout's honor. Cross my heart. - That's my home away from home. - It's nice. Yeah, wait until you see the inside. Hey, boss. You got company. - How many? - Two. Man and a woman. Your boy was living there about a week. Did you tell anyone else about this? No. Nobody ever asks me nothing. I don't volunteer nothing. Yeah. Okay, look. Can you stand out here and keep watch? Let me know if anyone comes, okay? - I can do that. - All right. Buy yourself a couple of beers or something. Okay? I don't drink. Okay. I'll give you another $20 when I come out, okay? Yeah. - Hey. - Hey, boss. Listen, a last question. Did you ever see him with anyone? Oh, yeah. Yeah, twice. Twice! I seen a guy go into the place. Okay, great, that's great. - Would you recognize him again? - Yeah, yeah. - Did you run her plates? - Yes, sir. Give me a few hours and I'll have her life's history. Look, I gotta go, okay? But thank you. - Thank you for all your help. All right? - Yeah. - Okay. - Come back, I'll buy you dinner. Okay. How much will that cost me? - Yeah? - Hey, it's Kate. Okay, listen. Detimore wasn't working alone on this thing. A third party rented him an apartment. They paid cash. Two weeks before the shooting, it's near campus and it's under a false name. And I met a guy named Shakey... and he lives in a van behind the building, but he swears he can ID him. Shakey? Let me guess. Drunk, needs a shower, not all there. Yeah, but he knows what he saw and I believe him. And listen, I went into the apartment... and I found cough syrup, and bloody tissues, and painkillers. Which means? Which means he had lung cancer. I saw the same thing with my mom. Right. So maybe the guy wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. Or someone found out and used him. Go back to Shakey's, find out what else he knows. Okay. - Hold it, ma'am. - Kate Crawford, Washington Inlander. Okay. Hold it. Okay, this goes in the back. I'll radio ahead. So, Shakey tells me that he can identify someone... that's going in and out of Detimore's apartment... and, the next thing you know, he's
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