try not to take it. I know when to steal... and when not to. Get her. Get her! - What did she do? - She came with the bandits to raid our village. The others are dead. Now it's her turn, after we have our fun with her. - Don't kill her too soon! - Save her! - Thieves should be hanged. Conan, there are six of them against her. One, two, three-- I think you're right. And she's tied to the stake! Do something! Stop. I think we made a friend. Wait here. - What do you want? - To come with you. Be off! Let me speak to Conan. I said be off! Stop! Leave. I swear that if Conan will let me ride with him, I will give my life for him. We shall see. The castle of Thoth-Amon. It holds the key. Come bring her, Conan. - We leave now. - In the morning. I'm the leader here. Lead in the morning. It will be better. - We must rest. - My thinking exactly. Sleep. In the morning you will touch the heart of Ahirman. The first to do so in a thousand years. Look! Jehnna. Jehnna! Jehnna! Akiro, where is she? In there! - Who took her? - A giant bird. A bird of smoke. Into the boat! Somebody should stay and watch the horses. Malak! I didn't mean me! I'm rowing. Too late, my friends, but come. Come anyway. How do we get in? Is there another entrance? Under here is a way in. You mean under the water? You can stay here if you like. Alone? They need me. Ooh! Be careful. Bombaata! Wizard it open. Fine magician you are. Go back to juggling apples. Aah. Aaah! - Get up! Get it! Get it! - Get up, Conan! Aah! Aah! Aah! That's exactly what I would have done. Exactly. There are only two left, Wizard. And you're behind one of them. Which one? No! No! Not here! Not this one! Bombaata? Bombaata? Bombaata! Bombaata! I need you! Bombaata! - Bombaata! - It's all right. It's all right. Crom. Out! Out of here! - Hurry! Hurry! - Run! No-o-o! Stop! Aah! Bombaata! All an illusion. Help! Bombaata! Help me! Bombaata, where are you? Put me down, do you hear me? - Look out, you fool! Bombaata, stop! Why? I thought you were going to hurt the girl. This is one of the queen's guards! Why did they attack us? Not by her order. Mmm. Wait, wait. This is much better. Akiro's own magic mixture. Let me help you. - What do you think you're doing? - Covering your wound. - My wound is lower. - We don't want an infection to spread. I'll spread your head open. This is what the world has come to. You try to help somebody... and what do you get instead of thanks? Threats. Now yell if it hurts. I suppose nothing hurts you. Only pain. After we return to Shadizar, what will you do? I'll find my kingdom, and a queen to sit beside me. What kingdom? The promise... I was "kingdomed." No. The kingdom I was promised. - What queen? - Valeria. - Valeria. - Valeria. What is she like, this... Valeria? Do you see this woman over there? - Zula? - Valeria is like her. She doesn't look like her, but she has the same spirit. The same-- The same, uh-- Strength? Strength. Strength. And she's a warrior too? A great warrior... and a great woman. Could there ever be... anyone else but her? Another queen? Lot on your knife. Not... on your life. Excuse me. I must get up now. How do you feel? Welcome. You are welcome. I didn't know women could be warriors. All my tribe are warriors. Well, it seems that men like women warriors. Some. Do you think that I could ever be one? I could teach you how to use this. Yes! Please! Now, the power is in the wrists. Oh, I see. Like this? That's right. They've got to stay loose. - It takes practice and strength. - Wait! Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. If you're going to learn how to fight, then learn with a real weapon. Not with a toothpick. Here. I'll show you. Stand like this. Yes. You do it. Try it. And then swing it over your head. - Oh! - Oh. I'll help ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Один дома 3 на английском - текст Дом дураков на английском - текст Эвоки: Битва за Эндор на английском - текст Глаза Лауры Марс на английском - текст Завещание профессора Доуэля на английском |