the days of high adventure. - I think we made the merchant angry. - Are you surprised? - But we didn't steal everything he had. - We didn't have time. - Why aren't they trying to kill us? - Maybe they want to capture us, then torture us to death. Conan, help! - Do you know who I am? - Taramis. - Queen Taramis. - Not my queen. You have a queen? But you are a Cimmerian. The Cimmerians have no rulers. You're a barbarian. You live free in the world. You owe allegiance to no one. Is that not so? It is and it always will be. - What do you want? - I need your help. - No. - No? You don't know what I'd give you if you help me. You have nothing that I want. You were praying, Conan. What were you praying for? Look at the shrine. See what you were praying for. What is there, Conan? Think. Show me the desire in your deepest heart. - Valeria! - Where is this Valeria? - With Crom. - Your god. She sits by the side of my god. What I want, you cannot give me. - Yes, I can. - You can bring back the dead? Do as I ask of you and I will. Wake. - And remember. - Tell me what I must do. Soon. Conan! Look! Doesn't that animal look familiar? I think it does. I'm sorry about what happened the last time. They love us! We will drink to Dagoth, the dreaming god. - What do you want me to do for you? - To bring back the woman you love? Yes. It is written in the scrolls of Skelos that a woman child born with a certain mark must make a perilous journey. It is her destiny. My niece Jehnna has such a mark. - I want you to take her on that journey. - To where? Jehnna will show you. From the day she was born, she's been prepared for this. There is a key she must find, a key only she can touch, as it was written in the scrolls of Skelos. - Where is it? - In a castle. - Guarded? - By a wizard called Toth-Amon. - By a wizard? - That frightens you. You're afraid of magic. And you will have to deal with it. What good is a sword against sorcery? - Then you're afraid to go? - No. I will find a way. - What does this key unlock? - A treasure. A jewelled horn. Only she can procure it. Only she can lead you to it. And when she has it, you'll bring her back to me. Then you will have your reward. We shall both have everything we want... through magic. No! It's all right. Don't be afraid. - It's only a dream. It's only a dream. - No, I saw... A dream. Only a dream. - Be still. Lie down. - I saw it. - I saw it again. - No, you saw nothing. A nightmare. Imaginings out of excitement. Go back to sleep. I saw it... I saw it. I did. I saw it. Tomorrow you start your journey. You'll need all your strength. Your destiny is at hand. Sleep. Sleep. All our destinies are at hand, even Conan's, - though he doesn't yet know it. - We don't need him, my queen. I don't need the captain of the guard to steal a key. That is a task for a thief. What I need you for is to see that this dear child is returned safely to the palace with both the treasure and her virginity intact. I will protect them both. You'd better, my friend, for she must be a virgin when she's returned to me, so she can be properly sacrificed. One other thing, Bombaata. It is not wise to have the king of thieves near the treasure. So when the key is in my niece's hand, I want your sword in Conan's heart. Have the Elite Guard follow. They will strike at the right moment to help you. Conan must die. Do you think he's handsome? Very ugly. No, not him. Conan. Can't you judge for yourself? But how can I? How many times have I seen a man? A real man. All I've seen is you. Meaning no insult to you, Bombaata. Yes. He is handsome. Conan, wait! We must go this way. - Not yet. - But you have to obey me. Weren't you told? There are rules to every game. I believe you. But there's magic in this game and I have to be able to fight it with magic. Akiro! Crom! - What are they going to do? - Have ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Бетховен 4 на английском - текст Ежик в тумане на английском - текст Ух ты, говорящая рыба! на английском - текст Бабье лето на английском - текст Беловы на английском |