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her captain...
and with this
First Lieutenant Blair.
Hey, Captain wants you
on the bridge.
Say's it's top priority.
I don't know
who you know, Lieutenant...
but you got a Confed code one...
secure communication
from Admiral Tolwyn.
Transmission nominal.
Long distance...connected.
At ease, Lieutenant.
-Yes, sir, Admiral.
You are currently outbound...
to the Vega sector
and the Tiger Claw.
I need you to hand-deliver...
an encrypted communications chip
to her captain.
Why not send it by drone
to the Pegasus, sir?
That'd be quicker.
The Pegasus is gone...
destroyed by a Kilrathi
battle group...
twelve and a half hours ago.
See that Captain Sansky
gets that chip.
Why me?
I fought alongside your father
in the Pilgrim wars.
He was a good man.
Well, guys...
we have to jump
into the Vega sector...
a little sooner than planned.
Set a course for beacon 147,
one-quarter impulse...
and be subtle.
Setting course
for beacon one-four-seven.
One-quarter impulse.
I'm reading that
as a 100,000-kilometer...
no-fly zone, sir.
Just put in beacon 147.
It's a shortcut.
Aye, Captain.
We're holding steady
on the beacon.
Marshall has the helm.
Those must be antiques.
They were made by the first
explorers in this sector...
just like the cross
you wear under your shirt.
May I see it?
There was a time long ago...
when people looked up
to the Pilgrims.
The stars were their destiny.
Since the Pilgrims
were defeated...
not a single new quasar
has been charted.
Increasing thrust...
Main engine now at ninety percent.
Out! You get out!
Get out, get out!
Ow. Jeez!
What's your problem?
-Did you change course?
No, I didn't change course.
I just boosted the power.
Why dog it?
We can be at the beacon
in, like, under an hour.
That beacon
is marking a gravity well.
One cubic inch of it...
exerts more gravitational force
than the sun.
Navcom on-line.
lf we approach it
too fast...
we'll be sucked in
out of control.
If I don't realign
our entry vector...
we are not going
to make the jump.
-What happens if we miss?
-We die.
Have we reached
the entry vector's PNR yet?
No, no. Not yet.
She's reaching out for us.
Listen to that.
Velocity holding--
Well, ladies, meet Scylla...
gravitational anomaly detected.
Bane to sailors
and monster of myth.
What's a Scylla?
Ulysses sailed between
the whirlpool Charybdis...
and the island monster, Scylla.
She snatched six of his men
and ate them.
Whoa. What is this thing?
This thing is a distortion
in space-time.
The Pilgrims
were the first to chart it.
If it's charted,
why is it off-limits?
Because it's unstable.
It's unstable?
Whoa. It's unstable,
and we're gonna jump it?!
Navigational computer
just went off-line!
I'm on it!
-Yes, sir?
You take the helm!
I never made a jump before.
Good time to learn!
That's it!
I don't like this guy.
B, l--I don't know about you...
but I really don't
like this guy at all, man.
-Uh...Mr. Taggart?
-Ten seconds to jump, sir.
So? So if you don't get that
computer back on-line, sir...
this unstable gravity well's
gonna suck us in...
one molecule at a time, sir!
Navcom on-line.
Plot your course, Mr. Blair!
Vector one entered
and confirmed.
Vector three entered
and confirmed.
What happened?
You just plotted a jump
through a gravity well...
in under ten seconds...
and Navcom can't do that.
That's not bad.
I mean, that's not bad...
for the second-best pilot
at the academy.
You shut up!
Next time you don't
follow my orders...
I'll dump you with the rest
of the garbage, you got that?
You plot a course
for the Tiger Claw, Mr. Blair.
Yes, sir.
Guy's got
a serious attitude problem.
This is Lieutenant Hunter
of the T.C.S. Tiger Claw.
Unidentified freighter
bearing two-niner-three...
state your course and
Командир эскадрильи Командир эскадрильи

Читайте также:
- текст Филин и кошечка на английском
- текст Хищник 2 на английском
- текст Садко-богатый на английском
- текст Сатурн 3 на английском
- текст Покаяние на английском

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