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1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23  
Cusack! Where are you going
with my car?
Hello, my angel.
Have you had a nice night?
I have wonderful news for you.
Look at me.
Look at the man, huh?
Daddy's on his way.
Pow! Pow! He's dead.
(man) Beautiful job.
See the way it came across?
Keep an eye on that.
Watch - it'll be a pass to the right.
Hi, Eddie. How are you?
Eddie's a heck of a guy.
You gotta learn about football. To learn
about me, you gotta learn about football.
I want not one, but two guys up there.
- How many guys you put up front?
- I got two up there.
Make it four.
We're gonna be prepared for anything.
I don't trust this son of a bitch.
- Victor, take the girl back.
- OK.
Got a present for Luna.
- I got two more guys up the middle.
- That's great.
Efren, come with me.
Victor, when this is over,
Luna goes back to Bogotб with me.
Donde me quieras, Luis. Estarй contigo.
I don't know.
I was watchin' films with my girl.
Next thing I know,
he locked the door, took the truck.
- I don't know what happened.
- What's going on?
- Cusack took a truckload of armour.
- He's a fuckin' one-man army now.
The son of a bitch is crazy.
OK, everybody, no more games.
Where's Cusack?
He's savin' the world.
Eddie's by himself and you guys
are gonna let him die? Fuck all of you.
- Hey, kid, cool it.
- Cool it?
No, no. You fuckin' cool it.
I ain't gonna lie for you any more.
He laid a gun on that kid.
I saw the whole...
You fuckin' little bastard!
- Cragie! Kopalas!
- Break it up!
What's this for, partner?
Your next fuck-up?
You'd better be straight, Kopalas.
Your badge is on the line.
If I can't do this right, you can have it.
Get someone in the air.
We're gonna find Cusack.
Get out there.
This is Kates. We got a TAC sergeant
in a green SWAT wagon.
We're lookin' for him. Who's in the air?
(woman) Citywide.
Calumet Skyway. 130...
Go get him!
Move it!
Get the girl!
(machineBgun fire)
This concludes our demonstration.
If you have further questions, our factory
representative will answer them.
Vбmonos p'arriba.
Get up, you son of a bitch.
Get the fuck up!
Come on, Eddie.
We told you we'd get you.
Come on, asshole!
Come on, Pompas. We got him.
Come on out, you chickenshit.
Come on, you bastard!
Come on, Luis. We got him.
Cusack, you just killed that girl!
You know where to find me.
Hey, Eddie.
Hey, partner. I got a great idea.
Mail-order Christmas trees.
Think about it.
See you tomorrow?
Кодекс молчания

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