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Because, you know... You got me, Ronnie?
Let me know immediatly.
Though, I'm not sure she's still in France.
Jesus, and this is the glorious Florence.
Couldrt they choose a more decent street?
I think it's this way.
Object 19-51 on the line.
Secret channel.
He stopped at Westin Excelsior, room 537.
Arrived today morning, by his personal plane.
It was sleepless night again?
It's sleepless life, honey.
What have you got?
We don't have enough info.
No names, not even a foothold.
We only know these people
were connected with Jaffad.
And it will take weeks to find them.
We don't have this time!
Get in touch with ourltalian colleagues,
with Norwegians, let them step in, too
He's in the restaurant.
Soldi was the first one in his list,
means, we're dealing
with the first portion of the code.
Forthe second portion weshould go to Norway,
which goes in for no end
of Bjornes and Petersens...
One of them, a physician,
was a captive in Afghanistan,
and Jaffad redeemed him in 1998.
Well, then...
Peterson and Kirami will be someone else's job.
- Butcher doesn't trust me?
- Butcher doesn't trust anyone.
Someone has entered my room.
The banker's coming upstairs. Leave at once!
Do you hear me? He's in the elevator!
- I haven't finished yet.
- Are you crazy? There're four of them!
Just leave!
What's going on here?
I don't think it was a good idea.
To leave me alone in Paris
wasrt a good idea either.
I expected a warmer welcome.
Who told you I'm here?
I called every hotel here.
- The door was locked.
- For 100 euros they will open any doorforyou here.
Will they ever stop goggling at me?
You may go.
I need Butcher.
It's a bad joke, Marie.
It's not a joke. I need Butcher.
You were looking for me?
Congratulations -you did find me.
Where is his phone?
Call that someone you usually call.
Okay, I'll call them myself.
- Hello?
- Hunter is on the line.
Hold on for me. I'm coming.
It's the channel without password.
Now tell them that you found me. Tell them.
You don't want to? Okay, I'll tell them myself.
He found Butcher.
In Norway? What is Butcher doing there?
Did you hear about Norwegian terrorists?
So, no will be looking for him there.
Get ready, we're leaving to Norway.
Will you please lowerthe gun?
I don't quite feel comfortable being...
Room service.
Send her away.
Room service.
Anton! He ran away!
Can you find him? He's wearing a bug!
I must get to the computer!
- Where is he?
- Wait, I can't think quickerthan my PC!
- He's inside the hotel.
- Where exactly?
One mo...
- Marie, he's here
- Where?
At the parking lot!
Come on!
We're flying to Norway...
We'll need reinforcement group for agent 28.
We're leaving to Oslo in 70 minutes.
Please warn our Norwegian colleagues.
Can you trace the Norwegian guys?
- They turned that way.
- Be quick.
- How far away are they?
- About 300 m ahead of us.
Okay, that smart alec got rid
of the jacket with the bug!
Why isn't she wearing the bug?
Because she said that in that case she...
- She what?
- Well, you know...
Can't you see what a monster he is!
He will kill both of us!
Cool down! Too late to back off!
- Just take me to where he is.
- What can you do?
- You've no gun.
- I don't need no gun.
Ljust need to be within one meter's distance.
O Lord, I'm so tired.
Please, kill that monster!
We'll need clean clothes now.
They couldn't go far away.
I'll try to trace her cellphone, maybe it's on.
Bingo! I found her!
He's expecting you.
- Omar, bring her here.
- Let's go.
You wanted to see me. Why?
I'm Leblain, and I'm work for "Paris Match"
I'm in exclusive materials, you know.
We were planning a sensational
interview, we were just a week away from
seeing Jaffad Ben Zaidi himself.
Poor luck - my people dealt him earlierthan that.
You want to know why I killed Jaffad?
He betrayed our great idea,
by turning sacred war into
Код апокалипсиса Код апокалипсиса

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- текст Вор на английском
- текст Фарфоровая луна на английском
- текст Терминатор: Да придёт спаситель на английском
- текст Экипаж на английском
- текст Весна на Заречной улице на английском

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