what it said up there on the screen? Yeah, but that's just for the Writers Guild health insurance. - Oh, really? - Come on, you can't be serious. She's an oriental, for Christ sake. Have you heard from Ade lately? No, why would I hear from her? Would it be so surprising? She left me for some other guy. Is it any wonder? Her poor mother is so upset, she's practically delusional. She's convinced herself that Ade is dead. Her mother's an alky. You know that. Regardless, Christopher. You're my cousin, and I love you, Carmela, But I don't like what you're inferring here, Either with the movie or how I treated Adriana. Kelli comes out, tell her I went to smoke. There's my pal. How you doing? "Billy Bathgate." they had it in the library. I thought of you. I don't know if you heard, but Gerry Torciano, He was hit last week in Brooklyn. - Who? - Gerry Torciano. It was all over the news. They whacked him in some restaurant. Did you know him? Yeah. I don't know. Good guy. It's hard to breathe. I'll talk to Gupte, See if I can get him to up the beclovent. I'm dying, aren't I? It's not good. I Won't lie to you. The aggressiveness surprises me. I gotta concur with Rosen. I Appreciate everything you've done, Warren. - ( Doorbell ringing ) - ( knocking on door ) - Who is it? - Christopher: you don't answer your phone? I shut the ringer. It's the middle of the night. Woman: honey, what's wrong? Nothing, sweetie, it's fine. Go back to sleep. It ain't fine. We got a problem. That whole sequence with Sally boy banging the fiancee, You gotta tell Tony that was your idea. It wasn't my idea. What, are you fucking stupid he probably thinks I put it in there to embarrass him. - Why did you put it in there? - It was an idea. I don't know. Who knows where they fucking come from? Isaac Newton invented gravity 'cause some asshole hit him with an apple. It's bad enough that I don't get credit for my own ideas. Now I'm supposed to take responsibility for some shit that's gonna get me in trouble? Fuck that, man. Humanitas Award. What's that? Humanitas. From the Paulist Brothers, For writing themes of socially redeeming-- Ow! Look out the window. You see a fucking Hollywood sign out there? Maybe you talk to your agent like that, But don't ever get fucking snippy on me again. The fucking scary thing was I didn't know what happened Till after the shot was fired. Fucking weird. - Tony, hey. Gentlemen. - Hey, how are you? T.J. Hooker. J.T., actually, but uhm I'm looking for Chris. I'm supposed to meet him. What, here? The thing is he left me a message, But this fucking verizon-- - Mind if I wait? - Yeah, sit down. - Diet coke, please. - Woman: you got it. So what did you think of "cleaver"? It's good, you know. Congratulations. I hope we're gonna see some money soon. Yeah. As a writer, you can never tell, you know? You come up with an idea. You don't know how the audience is gonna respond. I mean, just 'cause I like something, I think of Doesn't mean anyone else will. That's the challenge. It is challenging sometimes, Inventing characters, how they interact. The boss Sally boy for example, His whole persona-- I stole that from Broderick Crawford in "Born Yesterday." What's that? Garson Kanin, 1950. It's terrific. William Holden falls in love with Crawford's girlfiend, played by Judy Holiday The black girl, the singer. No, that's Billie Holiday. Although Judy's character in the movie Is named Billie too, so I can see why you're confused. I've never seen it. Why would I be confused? Anyway, the Sally boy character Is based on Crawford-- sort of a big, burly guy. The love triangle, the cuckolding of Michael, sleeping with the fiancee, Very similar to the Holden-Holliday dynamic. - So the whole thing was your idea. - Apologies to Garcon Kanin. - What happened to your head? - What? Oh.
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