Carm. Sally boy, the boss, he fucked the guy's fiancee. The thing with Adriana? I told you it never fucking happened. Well, apparently, your nephew feels otherwise. Ro pointed it out to me, but if she saw it, that means other people did. It's a movie. It's fictional. It's a revenge fantasy, Tony, Which ends with the boss's head split open by a meat cleaver. ( Dance music playing ) Oh, there he is. Good time last night? Yeah, it was all right. How about you? Gab had fucking nightmares. - Club soda, hon. - Woman: sure. So what did you think of the movie? Chrissy's the last person I would have confused with Marty, But I gotta say, it wasn't bad. - Is he around? - Chrissy? Nah. He don't come around here no more, you know that. That Baldwin was pretty good, huh? He was a mean fuck. I'll give him that. And that girl that played the fiancee, she was hot, The one he was fucking. It's weird how it works, the creative process. I'm watching that movie "Edward Scissorhands," When boom, all of a sudden, it hits me. What if instead of a pair of scissors, it's a meat cleaver instead? A couple years later, you got a movie. Originally, I thought a ball-peen hammer, but a cleaver's better. I tell ya, man, it's like I'm living somebody else's life. You're just not comfortable with success yet. I Know. It's scary. Feel the fear and do it anyway. - Without chemicals, either. - ( Cups clink ) So Kelli, the baby. Good, fucking great. She's a doll. She cries a lot, though. The baby, not Kelli. I Hope you're taking the time To reflect on all this. Savor the good stuff. Yeah-- no, I am. There's my other sober buddy. - Is that an FBI guy? - Your tax dollars at work. Does he follow you around all the time? They drop in and out. It's fun. Look, seriously, think where you were just three months ago. You came into that meeting. yo were so fucked up you could barely talk. And that woman friend was even worse. I'Ve been trying to do what you said-- Hold back a little, steer clear of old habits, same people. Must be hard, though, given your lifestyle. They already misinterpret, I don't wanna hang around so much. Fucking Paulie especially Have you explained how hard it is to be around alcohol? - How familiar surroundings set it off? - They don't give a fuck. "But he's fucking my wife, Carmine. I want him dead," Jimmy says. "He will be," he said, "but not just right now. He earns too much." Eight years later, Jimmy gets a call one day. "Remember that guy who we were talking about Who's fucking your wife? He can go." The guy wasn't making him money no more. And that was Carmine Lupertazzi. - Holy fucking shit. - Yeah. There you are. We went-- John, what the hell are you doing? - What? - You're smoking. - So? - Daddy, you're on oxygen. Warren, pardon me, I'm sorry. Just calm down, all right? Calm down? I don't fucking believe you. ( Sighs ) what do I got to lose, Gin? What's the difference? You told me dr. Feldman doesn't agree with the others. - Yeah, well. - Miracles do happen, John. Not to this family they don't. It's that kind of attitude that probably brought this on in the first place. You're gonna start with that again? What about all these six-year-olds with leukemia? What's that from, all their negative thinking? ( Coughing ) All due respect, he's a great guy, Doc, But boss material? Important thing's we all work together, Whoever winds up in the driver's seat. Phil, though, I'll never get it. The man was my mentor. It was right there for the taking. His heart, Gerry. What was he gonna do? That's my point, though, what you just said. Johnny goes away. It's Phil's turn in the driver's seat, And his heart gives out. - Right. - his heart. I Know, what? It's a metaphor. He lost his balls is what I'm saying. Just say it then. Walt fucking Whitman over here. - Ladies. - Hey. - How
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