predicate. Good news is if they had what they needed We'd be having this conversation through glass. I gotta go. Girls, let's do the tea now. Pour a little for Jamie too. - Bobby, finally! - Hey, Bobby. Daddy! Frankie, where are you? Welcome to the chop shop, Cugine. You can't kill me twice, Sally boy. I'm already fucking dead, remember? I'm the boss, Michael. What you had belongs to me. Even the girl I loved? What's mine is mine. What's yours is mine. ( Grunts ) Well... This is mine too, Sally. Now you can have it. - Vaffancul'. - ( screams ) Fuck Ben Kingsley. Danny Baldwin took him to fucking acting school. Very well directed, Morgan. I Think there's potentially more money in this than in the porn we've done. So what do we think? We need the extra scene or not? I like it the way it is. I don't know, Rissy, these audiences today love blood. I tend to agree with Carlo. I'm thinking one more sexy kill. When Michael follows Centrella to the strip club, What if he chops up one of the women? Carmine: who as fate would have it, Was at one time Sally boy's mistress. Two extra shoot days, at a minimum. - Kid, if it buys us a bullshit theatrical release-- - ( cell phone buzzing ) I'm gonna have to get more money from Tony. I want this fucking thing out there. Yeah, T, what's up? You talked to the guy with the air mattresses? I'm in editing. We just saw the cut of "cleaver." - And? - Awesome as is. The lawyer called, though. We might have to change the title. The Eldridge Cleaver estate, they with an injunction. Listen, if you wanna see some of it, we're finishing the ADR after lunch. - What's that again? - Sound dubbing. Just call this dispatcher. It's a holiday weekend. Thousands of people will be out at the beach. I'm on it. - He coming down? - Please. He don't give two shits about production. It's a little boring, I gotta say. I mean, that was surising to me. Mr. Sacrimoni, how are you today? Isn't that for you to tell me? I wish I had better news. Based on the latest pictures, The cancer has continued to metastasize from the lungs. We now show masses in the mediastinal lymph nodes, Both kidneys and the brain. The headaches. So the... Lobectomy, radiation, The goddamn chemo, What was all that? ( Coughs ) for kicks? Those were our options at the time. And now what are our options? Limited to the extent that I wouldn't recommend any. At this point, we're looking at stage four small cell carcinoma of the lungs. - And there's no stage five. - That's correct. How long? Difficult to say. - I have seen miracles over the years. - Forget the miracles. Three months. Give or take. Thank you for your candor. We have a plane back to Springfield. How you doing, John? It's funny-- ironic-- whichever. I got here. I quit smoking after 38 years, Exercised, ate right. And for what? Even still, It was the right move. ( Man on television speaks indistinctly ) ( Men shouting ) Oh, there she is, my girl. How are you, sweetie? - Hey, dad. - Hi. What did Rosen say? - How's the hotel? You all settled in? - It's fine. - How are you, angel? You look beautiful. - I'm good. - Eric sends his love. - That's nice. John, what about Rosen? I don't know. I... I don't know, sweetie. - I'm very very sick. - Oh my god. ( Crying ) All right, don't cry. Don't cry. You don't have to make it any harder than it is, all right? No physical contact, please. - I Love you, John. - I Love you, too. - Daddy. - I Know. I Know. Ladies, no contact. All right. You come back, you see me again tomorrow. We have more time, huh? Could I bum one of those? It's casual, though, right? It's your cousin's movie premiere. We should dress accordingly. It's what they call a cast-and-crew screening. It's in the city, Tony, With an after-party at some rooftop bar In the meat-packing district. That place is
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