One night he hit me. Boy oh boy, I blew my lid. I completely exploded. I'm more like my dad. Than who? Tony, for example. So, what are you saying? He's more like your mother? No. Listen, he's got that temper too. In the end he went his separate way. Who? My boyfriend. I'm not proud of it, though. Sounds like he deserved it. My mother, though, She could lay out in the weeds for days, years, Waiting to strike. That verbal diarrhea, When you got something in that head of yours, Janice, You give yourself away. What are you saying about my husband? What-- What did I say? I don't know what goes on in your house, But for your information, Tony has never raised his hand to his children. Nothing goes on in my house. - Or to me. - Fine. But you know what, I take that back. Once he slapped AJ, and he felt horrible about it-- For days. Bobby took advanta of him last night When Tony had had too much to drink. There is no excuse for the way Bobby blindsided him. Tony is not a vindictive man. What did I say? You had a pretty good success with the lipitor, right? Well, at this moment we could also sell to you fosamax. Medication for... osteo-- Osteporose, you know, for the women, their bones. Now, o month's supply of fosamax, Four pilules -- Pills, Sells for $70 us from the pharmacy. We sell four pills to you for $10 us. - What, are they counterfeit? - No no no. They're true. They're from assurance maladie, But expiree,-- Like, old. Change the date, nobody knows. How much... fosamax can you get? 20,000 pills every three months. There some way we could get you to lower your price? You already make a big profit. That's a good deal. And we'll give you the first pills in one week, Monday. What? I cannot come the week next Because ma soeur-- My sister, She has problems in the court. She got a good lawyer? Makes all the difference. Her old husband, he wants to take the child they have together To winnipeg, because he's some drummer over there. - Can you believe this? - She never see her son. Separate a child from his mother? I mean, what kind of person does this? I would give anything to be, you know, debarasse of this shit. To have him gone from her life-- That's tough talk, bon ami. I'm really serious. I tell you what: You knock your price down to 35 grande And we'll see what we can do about making your sister's custody problem... go away. And I'm not talking about a lawyer, either. Now, who does this? You pay to some drug addict? No, somebody reliable. We got to talk. You'll take care of this, right? Sure. No bow and arrows now. Ooh. Nice, huh? Bobby... hi, hi. Mwah! Oh, how was the game? Oh, you know, he held his own, but... must have been the new clubs. - Yeah. - Do you want to eat something? No no, I figure we should hit the road, Beat the traffic. Okay. You let him win. Smart. Drive carefully. Here. Thanks again for my present. Oh, wait till you see the shots of aunt gemma from the '60s. You forget what a beauty she was before the steroids. - Bobby, you're a wonderful host. - It was our pleasure. Gobye. When nica wakes up from her nap, Give her a belly smooch from us. Okay. Bye. He broke your balls about the fight, didn't he? No, he didn't. Bobby? Where are you going? - It's business, jan. - Now? - Yeah. - Well, when are you coming back? I'm not sure. A couple days. A couple of days? The salernos are coming tomorrow. Stop fucking nagging me. I'll be back as soon as I can. - Allo, natalie. - Salut. Yeah? Some news about this gun charge: - It's not going away. - You said they dropped it. Essex county did, but now looks like the feds took it over. Fuck. What happened to "it's a piece-Of-Shit case"? It is. Unwinnable. But fold it into a Rico, it adds a
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