later. The canucks. It's a sin to waste food. Well, I don't know. Here-- Hair of the dog. ...suicide car bomber kills two us soldiers... ...west of baghdad. That makes five americans killed in iraq over the past two days. There are more aqi deaths, At least 29 bodies found scattered around baghdad today... fucking look at him out there. What? I've seen that sitting in the chair thing. Come on. Peop sit in chairs. The couple from verona never came back To take a second look at the house. Meadow's staying in this weekend to study. Pediatricians aren't the highest-Paid doctors-- That's radiologists. But still, what a wonderful thing to be. That fucking throw rug hadn't been there, Would've been Bobby on his back, not me. - What? - I wouldn't have slipped. I would have kicked his ass. Jesus Christ, do you think I care? Oh, you don't, huh? You were there-- That night in the crowd in the parking lot at pizza world, When I took dominic tedesco. I didn't even know your name, but I remember Our eyes met, and you were blown away. I was in fucking high school. I'm supposed to be turned on by you beating up your brother-In-Law At your 47th birthday? How old is Bobby? 42, 43? You think those four years don't make a difference? You had it coming. You get away with murder because you're his boss. Oh, really? And how about the fact he wouldn't be living in that fucking mansion If it wasn't for me? I had to sacrifice my entire friendship with Johnny Sack To get him and Janice that house. Funny how everybody forgets that, huh? They are grateful, Tony. Jesus--! You know, you and your sister, you are emotionally blocked. I'm old, Carm. And my body has suffered a trauma That it will probably never fully recover from, So why don't we just face the facts? - Yeah? - Hey, t, it's me. Just wanted to wish you a belated happy birthday. We had a scare last summer. Guy down the road was fishing, thought he caught a snakehead. Yuck. Thankfully, it was only a bowfin. - What's a snakehead? - It's this horrible, ugly fish... tell you something, Bobby. We had this little tussle a year ago, Before my injury-- This again? Ton', I think everyone here knows You were at a disadvantage. I don't want to take nothin' away from you, But... sucker punch is a sucker punch. So then it wasn't fair and square? I mean, make up your mind. I think we both know what's what. But forget about it. I have. Come on, Bobby, let's go. Where are you two going? Play some golf with some people. Oh, right. Why don't you just hit a few into the lake? Bobby, come on. You okay? Could turn the air on. I'm good. Just I should have taken a leak before we left. Oh, honey, look at you go! Mercedes, you didn't tell me that you were taking her in the lake. I'm watching her, miss Janice. You're supposed to tell me Whenever you take her in the lake. It's all right. I'm here, too. I don't want nica going in the lake Without my knowing. Come on, you've been in there long enough. Nica, did you hear me? I'm talking to you. No! What did you say? Nica, come over here. - No. - Don't tell me no. Don't you ever tell me no! - Mad. - You're not mad. You have no right to feel mad. - I'll give you something to be mad about. Take her to the house, And put her to bed now. She's never spoken to me like that before-- Never. - Probably needs that nap. - That fucking Bobby jr, He's going through his goddamn adolescence. He's nothing but lip and attitude. She's imitating. She's got that pitch-Perfect ear. I'm a little hyper today. Maybe it's these estrogen pills. Well, if you're as hungover as I am... that was some ory you told, though. My dad and the gun? That alone was worth the price of admission. Oh, he was nabolidan' to his core, boy. Mmm. I had this boyfriend once--
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