I ordered the blackened grouper sandwich then I canceled. - Said I had pains in my stomach. - Vaguely, okay... Well, when I was leaving, I picked up a wallet and a briefcase and I thought they were mine, - but they weren't. - Oh, Jesus. You don't happen to remember who was sitting next to me? You know, there was a guy. He was about your height. You know the reason I remember is he'd had that grouper sand too and I was afraid we'd mess the orders up. I think he left before you. - And he never came back? - No. You know the name Kevin Finnerty? - He drives a Lexus. - You know him? It's a joke. Infinity? Lexus? I imagine you could use one on the house. Yeah, yeah. You said a mouthful. - Uh, Scotch rocks. - All right. - Glenlivet okay? - Oh yeah, better than okay. Well, might as well hang out here in case he shows or calls. You realize I can't even get on a plane without a picture ID? Oh God, that's right. Well, tell me about Costa Mesa. Nice place to live? Around here? It's dead. Give me the grouper sandwich. You got it. Bag the sandwich. Come eat with us. A few of us are getting a table. Dude lost his wallet and briefcase. - Man. Oh no. - That's all right. Thanks anyway. Come on. That tool who took your stuff shows up, we'll all pound his ass. Okay, thanks. U.S. Drill Bit. Aerospace and industrial equipment. We just sold our gear and coupling unit to Wheela-brator - to focus on pumps and compressors. - Interesting. Tony, you never did tell us how you made the jump from selling patio furniture to precision optics. Well, like my wife says, that's a good question. Excuse me for one minute. Hi Daddy. I made volleyball. All right! I told you, didn't I? You were worried over nothing. How's your brother? Mom put him to bed early. He puked. Oh no. Is she around? Mom! Bye, Dad. Bye, baby. Ton', how ya doing? Finnerty didn't call there, did he? No. I'd have let you know right away. Where'd Jeff and Kansas go? To bed, and they sucker-punched you, buddy. They paid the check. You guys all had a hand in this, didn't you? Listen, we're just impressed to be in the presence of a man whose sales team snatched the brass ring 12 consecutive quarters. It's not such a big deal. There's always a faster gun. I'm 46 years old. I mean, who am I? Where am I going? Join the club. Now is the time you can clearly hear His voice. Let us rejoice in His love. Mmmm. This isn't going to happen. What are you talking about? I saw your face when you got off the phone with your wife. So? Don't sweat it. It's sweet, actually. But you talk about them back there a lot. I could even be some other guy tonight and get away with the whole shebang. But no, I blow it. They're looking for a perp. His eyes are open. Two, three. He's bucking the vent. Give me the lights. - I'll get some restraints. - Four milligrams Ativan. He was just lying there peacefully just like he has been and then he just... - He's still bucking. - Room three! The gunshot. He pulled his tubes out! I have to retube him. - Oh God. - Etomidate and sux and an airway box. - Take the family out. - Give us room to move. - Please wait outside. - Where's the Ativan, please? I got him. - Tony. - Dad? - Mr. Soprano. - Tony? - What, honey? - Who am I? Where am I going? We're right here with you. Tony, who am I? Get ready to retube him. Sir, can you hear me? Who am I? Where am I going? - Dad! - Tony! I'm going to have to insist that you guys leave. Getting this breathing tube back in is something you're not gonna want to see. - What's going on? - You're just getting back? Matt's car wouldn't start. - Did you eat at least? - Yeah. Dad's not so good right now. They made us leave. I got to go. - What's the latest? - He came out of the coma for a minute. They took the breathing tube out. That's good, right? That means he's breathing on his
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