fine, But ma couldn't stand that as her babies got older, They separated from her. When they started to talk and express ideas, That's when the trouble started. It wasn't that she didn't love us. Mmm-Mmm! You've been a solid performer for some time now. Plus, you're my brother-In-Law. You get older, you think about things. You're a young man. We both are. - World's still in front of us. - Boss. My estimate historically, 80% of the time it ends up in the can like Johnny Sack Or on the embalming table at cozarelli's. Don't even say it. No risk, no reward. I mean, yeah, our line of work, it's always out there. You probably don't even hear it when it happens, right? Ask your friend in there on the wall. Listen to us. Morbid fucks. Come to think of it, you never popped your cherry in that regard, right? No. Yet your old man was the fucking Terminator. I come close. I done other shit, but no. A salut'. It's a big fat pain in the balls. Especially now with DNA evidence. My pop never wanted it for me. He said there were times with all the worry That he wished he could have stayed in the shop full-Time, Just cut hair. To be honest, I'd rather he fucking shot me than cut my hair. There's somebody I've been bringing along to insulate myself From the stuff that could bring down a boss, And take care of Carmela too, in case... God forbid. Now maybe Between me and this person... there's diverging agendas. - Sorry to hear it. - It happens. Thing is, the newark facilities manager, He's gonna fix it so we do all the window replacements In the projects. I was thinking maybe you should work that. I'm honored just to be considered. Then we'll see what happens after that, long-Term. - Time for presents. - And grappa. I told you people I didn't want any presents, just... just a few kind words. That was my father's line every year. I get the joke, believe me. "Soprano home movies." I had all the super 8s from when we were kids transferred. Oh, cool. It's really very thoughtful. Thank you. - Uh-Oh. - Oh, look at these. Oh, look at this. Tailor-Mades, wow! You're not just a funny, smart, lovable, Good-Looking guy. - You're mine." - Aww. - Thank you, baby. - Happy birthday. Cent' ann', Anthony. Oh, wait wait. To have my health, To be in this beautiful spot With people that I love-- - I couldn't ask for more. - Salut'. Six. Community chest. "Pay hospital $100." Fuck me. What are you doing? It goes in the bank. - We play the free parking rule. - What free parking rule? Money from community chest and chance goes into the middle. Whoever lands on free parking ge the money. You show me that in the rules. Technically it isn't in the rules, but a lot of people play it that way. It adds a whole new level of excitement to the game. I don't agree with that. When we were growing up in our house, this is how we played. You know, the parker brothers took time to think this all out. I think we should respect that. Fuck the parker brothers. Just play the game. Out of grappa. How about some rйmy? - 9, 10, 11... - Yay! - Fuck. - Marvin gardens With two houses-- 360 simoleons. Don't throw the money at me. Hand it to me. I saw that. - Saw what? - You just kyped $500 from the bank. God damn it, Tony! I beg your pardon, my sweet little potato. You asshole. - Free parking, baby. - This is bullshit. You take a game of skill and you make it just about luck. Are you listening to this fucking crybaby? How about I make up my own fucking rules? How about every time I land on one of my properties, I get $100. How about that? How about that? How about that? Whose turn is it, my turn? It was mine. Okay. Here's $150. I want to put a house on ventnor. Daddy! She wants to say good night again. - Aww. - You gotta go to bed, baby. Come here, my sweetie. Yes, so if you go to bed, You
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