phil had surgery now? turds in the aorta-- a medical first. gotta see my chiropodist. t... there's something i should tell you. - the real estate agent. - yeah? i've been bangin' her. see, i knew some shit was goin' on. why the fuck did you lie to me? i wasn't sure how it ended with you two till you set me straight. stupid, right? point is i want everything above-boards as always between you and me. i don't give a fuck. do what you want with her. - this is my reward. - your reward. i do not betray my wife. i go out of my way not to have an affair with this woman, this very hot, very beautiful, intelligent woman-- 'cause of the way carmela nursed me and cared for me. and my fuckin' turkey-neck of a nephew winds up with his dick in there. a guy i gotta see every day. this is my reward. frankly, i'm encouraged. with the fuckin' riddles again. i sat here dreading the end of the story would involve you erupting in some act of violence towards your nephew. well, christmas isn't over yet. you came out of that shooting feeling each day as a gift. well, this is a corollary to that. a what? you don't have to eat every dish of rigatoni. you don't have to fuck every female you meet. you know what i've been realizing? these women-- they're all sort of the same-- dark complexion, smart, they smell a little bit of money. there's you and... gloria and this "ashkenuzi." so what's that about? what do you think it's about? well... it's probably the reason i still come here to hang out with you-- 'cause nothing really changes with the therapy part. ton'? that fed's out front. harris. says he wants you to know he's here having a sandwich. what's the matter? not enough mayo? tony, how you doing? good, so how's the war on terror? christmas is always potentially our busy season. so, phil leotardo, huh? coronary? i swear to god i had nothin' to do with that. just so you know, i'm still in touch with some agents who work o.c. from what they hear, you're not very popular in brooklyn right now. so what else is new, huh? that someone close to you may be in danger. really? anybody specific? all they know is it's under serious discussion at top levels. - thanks. - it's christmas. what? you want me to call a doctor? cramping in my legs? it could be anything. well then what'd you call me for? - just to say hi. - but you're all right? yeah. i'll see you later. bring me home a quattro formaggi. i don't care what time it is. wake me up. - all right. - mwah. we were talking about recovery and your organized crime thing. that i took an oath that was a sacred oath. - that's not an urban legend? - no, you burn a saint. you draw blood-- but technically i shouldn't even be tellin' you this. ooh. the program-- i could never really get into the "higher power" part. well, me neither. it's hard. i mostly think of the group consciousness as a higher power. i said to myself that that oath would be my higher power. that would be my strength. that code-- that's a soldier's oath. - i could see that. - but the problem is nobody lives it no more. not tony, not nobody. they let you down. whatever... here i am. - using. - using. are you breaking up with me? no. should we go to a meeting? i don't know. what do you wanna do? i know one that starts in half an hour in glen ridge. take one car? i'll follow you. you should've called first. how's john? some christmas present, huh? i'll see you in the morn-- i'll see you in the morning. god loves you. finally got you to come to brooklyn, cocksucker. listen to me. now i never told nobody this, but while i was in that coma, somethin' happened to me. i went someplace, i think. but i know i never wanna go back there. and maybe you know what i'm talkin' about. believe me, nobody ever laid on their deathbed wishin' they saved more no-show jobs. now
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