the cherry-stones. - fine, good. you sure? 'cause last year you said the cherry-stones were chewy. the little-necks then. jesus! ebenezer scrooge over here. so stop breakin' my balls about clams. i don't feel good. the soft scrub, lemon scented. you're cool as a cucumber. did i say i'm hot? i got a tightness in my chest up by the esophagus. well you just had a check up, phil. yeah. imagine the christmas marie and the kids'll be having after all that with vito? the dibellas too. catherine's stroke? remember last year at my mother's house? francesca spatafore did that beautiful solo of "o, holy night"? vito accompanied her on the piano? i gotta try and take a shit. now when one is having a heart attack, the body releases proteins that act as markers which we would detect in the blood. you don't show any, sir. - so, his heart is fine? - yep. jesus christ. mr. leotardo, some people would pay millions for that diagnosis. - so what the hell's wrong with me? - my guess is simple gas. i always say he's full of hot air. pharmacy's down the hall. they will give you some antacid. take care. arrogant prick. nervous nellie. that's what you are. i'm so sorry. this asshole wall street couple came back to look at this loft space. mmm. - i'm dyin'. my heart! - oh my god! okay, we're here. we're here. it's all right, it's all right. it's okay. don't worry about it. help! my husband. - phil! - crash cart! can i get a crash cart? crash cart! heh, i fucked a girl wearing a santa hat once. it was too distracting. i kept losin' my hard on. hey ton'. did you hear? phil leotardo took a heart attack, a big one apparently. ho! so there is a santa claus. he's in intensive care over in brooklyn. doesn't look too good. sweetheart, drinks all around. and a club soda for the messenger here. you're happy about this, t? why not? he's a pain in my balls. a manageable pain though, eh? the devil you know... after the scene at little carmine's...? corrado, don't you have nothing? you can make a hand turkey. for christmas? fuckin' idiot. visitor for mr. soprano. bobby! any of you know what bacala is? of course you don't. well it's salted cod. we taught the world how to eat. junior, sit. happy holidays, huh? you smell the piss in this place? i ain't gonna stay too long. just to say you should keep this. - what's that? - you had beppy drop it by, remember? had a post-it? it said "merry christmas"? it's a gift. it's a little something for you and karen and the kids. it wouldn't be right. i mean frankly i shouldn't be here after what happened with tony. he's still up on his cross, huh? junior, you shot him. yeah well it's not that simple. i know a few things you don't. like maybe i wasn't acting alone. junior, jfk was 40 years ago. that's all i'll say about that. you see that one over there? an attorney. i'm mounting my case. look, i should take off. you want a snack? a soda? the fuck? you just got here. happy holidays. here. one hand washes the other. so the husband says, "i wasn't talkin' to you." you know her? oh that's right, you and her-- - how'd that all go? - i had to put her on the shelf. yeah, she's a friend of kaisha, the black one i was tellin' you about. she was just now asking what to get kaisha for her birthday. what'd you tell her? luther vandross, a box set. mmm. mmm. you know what's interesting? hmm? us being able to use again, but integrating it into our lives. yeah. work... socialize... but still having a mastery. - not easy. - but interesting as shit. for one thing, we don't use needles. i should probably tell tony we're fucking. what? we're not anymore. he's already hinky. he starts pokin' around, finds out we met in a.a., he could suspect i'm usin' again... hmm. ...and ruin everything. there he is. where the fuck you been? you heard that
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