know? so what's the problem? she's in recovery. junk. her? fuckin' movie of the week. listen to me. that last run you went on, beginning with the feast? how hard you had to work to get back from that? civilians-- their bosses find out they slipped, they get a plane ticket to minnesota. tony will fuckin' mulch his roses with what's left of you. she's solid now. years sober. we fuckin' met at a meeting. - that never happens to me. - that's all you got to say? schools of thought: two of you together could be enabling. bad habits shared. but it's more like she knows how bad it is. we watch out for each other. she wouldn't even let me have red bull. seriously. well that's the other school: two are stronger than one. i know i'm different with her. well i guess we just keep an eye on it. you fuckin' lucky cocksucker. - another married man? - i know. and it gets worse. i think he's connected. to what? - the mafia. - no... but-- actually i know he is because i was involved with his boss. you ever hear of anthony soprano? i'm sorry, jules. i don't even know where to fucking start. i know, i know. the stupid thing is he's sweet. he's good to me. i want you to listen to this very carefully: i'm your sponsor. i'm not judging you. i'm not disappointed. i am concerned and i'm here to help you help yourself. unlike you, i've lived in north jersey my whole life and those people like his boss-- they are sociopaths. murderers actually. i know, ame, but i think you're getting a little carried away. don't hug me. on top of everything i'm getting a cold. cock--! ...sucker motherfucker! you shit asshole! i hate you! this man is so lame. shit. - what's wrong? - these assholes again. they wake up the baby. shh! my baby's sleeping. why don't you come out here and suck our dick? hey what's this asshole's problem? my ex used to go down and kick their asses, but... they're back. okay, papi. it's all right. it's all right, baby. shh. fuckwads. look, you guys move. go hang somewhere else, i'll give you this bike. it's a gary fisher. it's only a year old. my parents gave it to me last christmas. all right. it doesn't bother you that i'm younger than you are? you know who was born on your birthday? jesse ventura. who? he's a famous politician. i looked it up. how do you know my birthday? i did your w-4, remember? the withholding? you sure it don't bother you i have a baby? no, i love kids. this is fuckin' ridiculous. you're not goin' no place. - i want to. - we can watch a dvd. i got the 50 cent movie down in my trunk. they were giving it away at the car wash. don't talk. that's it. you're fuckin' grounded. lie down. i'm gonna go down the pharmacy, get some robitussin. no! it's got dextromethorphan. what are you gonna do? rip your fuckin' lungs out? this is crazy. you certainly seem very anxious to get cough medicine in here. i resent that. fuck it! it's over the counter. how much shit could be in it? unh-uh. maybe you could get some valerian tea. you put eight, nine, 10 tea bags in a cup. - fuck's that gonna do? - it's equal to like taking a valium. - i didn't know that. - same chemical family. gotta have some cough suppressant value, right? worst-case scenario, it might help you sleep at least. what do you think? valerian tea. you have to go to the health food store. jesus christ, they didn't teach you how to use a pair of pliers yet? oh it smells all christmassy in here. yeah. come on. oh, the russos-- picture of their dogs. it's sad with no children. oh my god! the building department. they're repealing the stop-work order on my spec house! "construction may begin immediately." tony, is this you? this is the best christmas present i could ever get! oh, i better return that vacuum i got you then. so, christmas eve-- besides the shrimp, - i told desanto
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