in paris when we're not here. tomorrow we hit the stores. - chloe, dior. - a kelly bag pour moi. bordeaux is so delicious. when we were in st. eustache's i noticed that you lit two candles, for jackie and jackie jr., right? you know we never really talked about that. - about what? - about jackie jr. what's there to talk about? madame. oof, madonn'. - merci. - oh boy! i didn't mean to invade, ro. it's just-- i mean, we're friends. if there was anything you wanted to share... i mean, i-i cannot begin to imagine losing a son. jesus, carm. we're on vacation. we're having a beautiful dinner. why would you bring this up? i didn't mean to upset you, ro. i thought because we had this time together-- - it's fucking morbid, that's what it is. - i'm sorry, ro. he's dead. he's gone. what can i do about it? light a candle. i picture him with his dad, and with his grandma who he loved and with jesus. what's the matter with you? why would you bring new jersey here? - why can't we just have a good time? - you're right, i apologize. i'm going out with michel tonight. okay. you know, you're welcome to come, carm. - i mean that. - thank you, but no. you go. i want to walk along the seine one more time. we gotta call the exterminator. these are rat turds. what time did patsy and them say? there they are! the pirates of prosciutt', - the brigands of bracioll'. - hey, dom. game out in canarsie. i appreciate the rollers you sent. linguini fra diav', you want to stay? naw, i gotta stop by my daughter's in metuchen. hey... sorry to hear about your boy. uh-huh. terrible thing. son 13, daughter nine years old. syracuse-- tanked again. that pool cue-- i wonder if it was chalked. very funny, dom. very cute. i don't quite get it, but cute. hey, you know the autopsy found a three ball in his side pocket? - you're on a run. - they found a hankie with carlo's lipstick in his other pocket. i'm just breaking balls. you're right though-- shouldn't laugh about a tragedy. that old homo actor-- raymond navarro? he had an ivory dildo stuck up his ass when they found him. pretty up on all this shit, huh, dom? come to think of it, he was from jersey too. - what'd they find up your mother's cunt? - time to hit the trail - for metuchen, huh, what do you say? - my mistake. carlo's lipstick was on vito's cock. hit him! hit that prick! no, carlo! carlo! get him off me! how's that, you fuck? fuck! call patsy and them, say we had to leave... a pipe broke. we wait till the store closes, we get him out. cut him up in the work area? no more of that. uh, dna. ditch his car, get some biangaleen. sil! come on, open the door! - shit. - hello, anybody in there? ton', you don't want to come in here. - get back in your car, go for a ride. - what? fat dom gamiello came over, you know, just to break balls re vito, carlo... sil hit him first. tony, let me just-- that's right, ton', u go. you don't know nothin'. you were right. they kill a made guy, this is what happens. say hello to gab. tell her i hope she's over the flu. goddamn vito! what's the hardest thing about skateboarding? i give up. what's the hardest thing about skateboarding? - telling your parents you're gay. - signore. - i thought you were going out for dinner. see you in the garage a minute? - what now? - tomorrow morning, 7:00 a.m. you go to this address. you ask for a mr. caravalho. - i just got off the phone with him. - at 7:00 in the morning?! - for what? - you're gonna be working construction. - what? - ferrying cement in a wheelbarrow. - so, it's outdoors? - yeah. - well, it's wintertime. - you've got a lot of those hooded sweatshirts-- like the mulignans wear that you watch on mtv. - you can double up. - come on, this is bullshit. every
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