you know i'm good for it. would you stop? heard on 1010-wins the tunnel's a parking lot. i hope you didn't get caught in that. you said you were gonna take care of that fucking finook. oh, for christ's sake. fucking vito again? what the fuck is wrong with you? he's in town, isn't he? i was at marie's the other night. she played the innocent, but i could tell she'd seen him. you're fucking carnac the great now too, huh? i gotta tell you, anthony, if vito was here - and you knew about it... - fuck this. i love they let you smoke here. i think i should have slept in a while before hitting the stores. i told you. - is your stomach still upset? - i put in the fucking memory stick. i love that sound-- french. it's so elegant. isn't it? nobody fucking knows us here, ro. can you believe that? all the guidebooks say you should try and get on the local schedule. - did you reset your watch? - yes, napoleon. jesus. eloise and abelard, my god! what? i would say today the first cultural stop should be the louvre. again, remy! - how do you say "please"? - s'il vous plait. - s'il vous plait. - and the check please. i don't know what the fuck he said. you keep talking english. why don't you try and use your french? i don't know. i feel strange. me and tony went to miami. he knows like six words in spanish, but he was right out there with them like he was fucking ricardo montalban or something. mmm. i told you we should have gone towards rue dauphine. god damn it, where's my other glove? i had it when we went in there. - i'm all turned around. - you had to hurry me out of that restaurant. - we're miles from the louvre. - fuck, damn it. i already lost a glove. oh my god. holy shit. look at those clouds. paris skies... who could have built this? look! just like "charade"! make sure you clean that shit off her tit! vito-- atlantic city, forget it. why the changeup? i can't keep fighting phil on this. our businesses are all entwined. you gotta pick your battles. you want your no-show jobs, vito's gotta go. it's the right move, t. all those weeks in the hospital, surgeries, constant pain, for what? come out here and get shot over something like this? i'm sorry. if vito wanted to pursue that lifestyle, he should have done so quietly. he was, wasn't he? anyone in particular you want to give this to? carlo had the biggest problem with it, let him handle it. it's vito's own fault. why couldn't he stay wherever the fuck he was? don't beat yourself up about this. i'll tell carlo to be at the mall. hi, it's me. i just wanted to let you know that we got in safe and sound. call me back. remember, it's six hours ahead. miss you. i notice all these little plaques all over-- what do they say? "august 20, 1944. this man francois martine fought in the resistance and the germans shot him right here on this spot." phil? what the fuck did that tailor do to my zanella's? - what? - my slacks, what! he's losing his eyesight, poveret'. diabetes. i'll take them to the korean on my way to church tomorrow. i've got a meeting of concerned catholic mothers. tell you the truth, i almost want to not go to the meeting. - here we go. - a gay in our own family? this protestant minister from denver is coming to speak to us tomorrow. an expert. i'm so embarrassed in front of father. father told me vito doesn't renounce that lifestyle - he's damned. - i know. - what? - i know. father put it so well last week. - "there's nothing gay about hell," he said. - that's good. i'm sure he didn't come up with that himself. one thing i do know, vito has to be made to face his problem squarely. thanks for the ride. new york's only classic rock station: - q104.3 - here. you don't need to do that, but
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