it up your fag ass. i'm not a fag. i never was. - excuse me? - it was the medication i was on. for my blood pressure. it fucked with my head, but i'm over that now. i can probably get a letter from my doctor. a note from your doctor saying you don't like to suck cock? first off, i pay my way back in. i got 200k that goes directly to you personally. no one else needs to know. long term, i know construction's out. those guys-- but meth, running girls, a lot more tolerant atmosphere. i got contacts in a.c. with your support i could set myself up there. i'd be close but not too close. ton'! please, don't turn your back on me. he was fucking stalking you, t. that's the thing with the gays. it's the living in the closet, makes them devious. speaking of crystal meth, look at this walyo. say what you will about richie aprile, but when he found out his son was gay, he did the right thing. he disowned him. i got an a.a. meeting. alcoholics-fucking-anonymous now too... salvatore lucania must be looking down on all of us - with great pride. - there's gonna be a lot of popular sentiment to get rid of vito. phil alone-- fuck phil! you know what that's about? he's gotta polish his rep as a tough prick so he can make boss. vito in atlantic city... he's out there. he's not part of us. and we get, you know, a trickle of cash coming in each month. - you ready? - oh, there's so much going on here, just the thought of flying, the heightened security... come on. i got something for you, for your trip. now this is the real louis "vitoon." you had a rough year-- me in the hospital, you there around the clock-- i want you to enjoy yourself. hmm? when you were in that coma, i told you i loved you. - do you remember? - no. - i should tell you more often. - well... nobody's stopping ya. okay, listen up, kids. francesca, look at me. you can't tell anyone, even your friends at school, that daddy's home - for a little while. - are you gonna have to go back to afghanistan? the cia doesn't tell you where they'll send you next. is it dangerous to be a spy? not as long as nobody knows who you are. i'm what they call "working deep cover." that's why, like i said, - you gotta keep the secret. - i won't tell. - you better not! - i won't! i love you guys. how long till you can move back in with us? just until i straighten this shit out with tony. it's looking good. in a few days i'll know. what about counseling for your problem? - have you talked to father macken? - marie, i thought i made it clear-- i don't have a problem. that's over with. in fact, i'm seriously thinking we should have another kid. yo, dad, check it! attaboy, v! hello? hi. fuck you. - i know, look-- - not a word, not a note. - what kind of person are you? - i'm sorry. you ed help. you're seriously fucked up. i got kids. i couldn't live without 'em. bullshit. it was the fucking life you couldn't live without-- the gambling, the money, who knows what else. you're right. i didn't want to drag you down into this pit i'm in. hey, fuck that! everybody else is stupid to you, aren't they? - no. - you can throw your weight around down there in fucking jersey. everybody kisses your ass. - i miss you. - i don't want to know you. i don't want to hear your voice. don't ever call me again. do your bowels just jam up when you fly? hey-yyy! hopalong che-se-dic'. what do you know? what do you say? - how you been? - word is you reached out to tony. i appreciate you coming out to see me. how you doin'? nicole is choking my balls with this child support. i could be looking at six months in county. - oof! - i was wondering if you could float me 20k at two points, but maybe now is not a good time for you. no. no, i could do that. but i'm gonna have to say two and a half. okay.
------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Хищник 2 на английском - текст Лучшая защита на английском - текст Посылка с Марса на английском - текст Неоконченная пьеса для механического пианино на английском - текст Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Сокровища агры на английском |