sacrimoni is guilty, do you think i could maybe take him off my route? what the fuck did you just say, sal? i don't know. the fucking lawnmower man just said john was guilty, t. he pled guilty, sal. okay? yeah, okay. with this government, no fucking trial. maybe they stuck tasers on his balls and beat him mercilessly with a rubber hose. - ever think of that? - no. but of course, it makes sense. don't besmirch the man, sal. so about the yard-- do you believe this fucking guy? you're done with that. come on. let's go check out these dvds. mead, put the cavatell' in. - hey there. - hi. - where's christopher? - he went out to an aa meeting. - tony. - yeah. i just wanted to say thank you. you're welcome. no one's ever done something so-- so-- it's okay, janice. really. - hey tony? - uh-huh. you got the wine? we're almost ready. hey, what happened? jan. no one knows what goes on in my head. what's the matter? what happened? she's happy... about the house. oh, honey, it's okay. it's okay. - come on. you okay? - oh-- yeah. - you all right? - yeah. synch: frm 1000frso every time i asked you "how's work?" and you said "fine," you were having your own private little joke on me? what's going on? i went to blockbuster today to rent "cinderella man" - and guess what? - is it still a classic? i found out that our son-- the liar-- had been fired three weeks ago. from blockbuster? how the fuck do you do that? they got rhesus monkeys working as managers over there. he was taking promotional items and selling them-- posters, standups. standees! this whole thing's bullshit. most of that stuff gets thrown out anyway. the store's policy was very clear. well maybe i care about the environment. did that ever occur to you? "wallace and gromit," i mean that weighed like 50 lbs. how many trees gave their lives for that? - it just goes to the dump. - can i come home to a peaceful house one goddamn night? you tell me to think like a businessman, yet every time i do there's something wrong. i made money promoting parties in high school, that was no good. - now this. - you know what i think? all those days you go in late, you call in sick, you deserve to get canned. the worst part is you don't even give a shit. what, i should care about blockbuster? fucking religious fanatics! - i can't live on what they pay me anyway. - why not?! you live at home! we feed you! you have a social life but i can't? you have any idea what it costs at a decent club in new york? it's $500 for a bottle of cristal, and it's a two-bottle minimum. you spend $1,000 a night on champagne? no, not every night. all right, barely ever. and hernan, everybody-- we take turns picking up the tab. hernan. or the girl he crippled when he flipped over the car? is she there, drinking champagne with you... in her wheelchair? it wasn't his fault. her parents are going for a big payday because his dad was in "forbes" magazine. oh god almighty! if it makes you feel any better i've been looking for a new job-- every day online! oh jesus! you can't even talk to her. are you fucking kidding me? you should be kissing her feet. because when you were growing up, if it wasn't for her, i would have knocked all your baby teeth out with one shot. i can't sleep. - a.j. - somebody call? it's not only that he's a complete stranger to the truth, he's got this dead streak in him. it chills me to the bone. he's fuckin' spoiled, that's all. we gave him too much. come on, he went to school with lots of privileged kids. most of them are off in ivy league universities now, doing very well. no, this is something in him. deep down it's like this big "fuck you" to everything. i don't know what that's about. remember that whole god-is-dead business on the day of his confirmation? - maybe he'll surprise
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