she fought it out with my mother and finally took off first minute she could. what if you had taken off? well, that never would have happened 'cause i wasn't like that. i did what i was told. your father's son. yeah, at's right. and all that went with it. that's right. all the success and the money. but beyond that, what else did you inherit? i'll tell you what i inherited-- my mother. janice got laid. she took off. she laughed at all this shit. then the trip's over and she's back and she's one of us. and she wants her piece. well, let me tell you, she get nothing! 'cause i got the scars! so it's mine! what are you doing? cooking. how was the call? it was nothing. it was a laundromat on webster. thought i'd make a little dinner like we do back home. we got pasta badan-- macaroni and potatoes, real peasant food. we got a little salad. then pork chops and vinegar peppers. i fuckin' miss this shit, i gotta say. i can see why. you gotta wait for that. - what? - nothing. i just realized-- the other night when you cut the power to the church... i was a real dick. - yeah. - but it was only because i was worried, you know. something could've happened to you. that's a nice thing. you don't understand. vincent, i love you. i love you, johnny cakes. 10:30, gotta be. hour and half, lunch. the halfway fuckin' point. don't look at your watch. not yet. save it. treat yourself. 10:50, maybe 10:55. don't look. think of those sandwiches jim made. when you've eaten the last bite, this fuckin' day is halfway gone. 11:30, has to be. look at the angle of the sun. maybe even 11:45. okay, look. now. fuck me! vincent? jiggle the toilet after. vincent! vincent. moment of truth. it's still up to the judge, but they're gonna recommend 15 years and $4.1 million. you keep the home, the 45k in equity from the girls' variable life insurance, and ginny's i.r.a. which is worth about 110 grand. - and? - that's it. or go to trial. 15 fucking years. you're a young man. in 15 years, you'll be 67. the golden years. grandkids. do i have to to do the allocution? you know the allocution is always part of it, practically the whole point. i'll take it. that i.r.a. of ginny's-- she worked the tie counter at wanamaker's. that's where we met. no mocha mix? i was looking forward to fresh blueberries this morning but mom hasn't shopped. what are you doing hanging around here? finn asked me into the city to see a movie, but i didn't want to go and i told him he could go if he wanted to and he went. - really? - yeah, really. don't give it to me, okay? i know. i'm sorry. it's just... he doesn't fucking get it. i don't even know what he's thinking lately. he spends more time at jeffrey's apartment than with me. come on. you know who's really good to talk to about stuff? your mother. this whole year off together, i've seen such a selfish side. "i'll come back early." he said that. he actually said that. all right, well... maybe he thought you wanted him to go. i mean, you did say it. yeah, or maybe subconsciously he's done. - we sleep together at jeffrey's apartment, and finn sleeps on the floor half the time and i'm right there for him. okay, well, honey, when you're living in sin with some guy, - you can't expect-- - living in what?! jesus christ. you should talk to your mother about this shit! did you go see that guy at the building department yet? i was going to go on friday when the schedules are looser. well, don't. fuck! whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! jesus. are you all right? what the fuck are you doing parked out here? excuse me? i'm getting my mail. you're driving like a maniac. my god. how come your airbags didn't go off? somebody took it out.
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