grizzly adams douche bag. yeah. dr. cipolla's service. i need to talk to the doctor. - is this an emergency? - of course. dr. cipolla's out of town. dr. paglieri's on call. do you wanna be connected? nah. hey, buddy boy, how you doing? any of the girls working yet? - last day already. god, it goes fast. - yeah. st. anthony's the week after next. what's the matter, baby? can you believe this? after all this, she wants to go back on that ride. she cried for three nights after. thride's closed, baby. hey, show everybody how you can walk. come on, they wanna see. okay, show 'em. show everybody how you can walk. show 'em. baby, come here, baby. come on. have some candy. look, cracker jack. here you go. come on. whoo! whoa! where's our belly? as you can tell by this outfit, folks, i've picked out something with a little norwegian flavor. - i'd like to play for you the "johnny oslo shadish." it's a typical norwegian dance, and who could do it better than bobby and cissy? paulie? i don't wanna argue. what are you watching? the "lawrence welk" program, chanl 55. you want some cookies? synch: frm 1000frtony, hey. i tented the bulbs. oh, good. i've been meaning to ask you... the sacrimoni's-- i've been doin' his yard over there a year and change now... and? i guess what i'm asking is how much longer do i have to keep doin' this on the arm? oh, so it was okay when we were gettin' you out of your feech la manna problem, huh? but suddenly-- short fuckin' memory? i appreciate that, tony. don't get me wrong, but-- you're a selfish prick, sal. you know that? her husband's in jail. don't you think this is the time when mrs. sacrimoni needs you the most? the federal prosecutors and myself have been told to clear our calendars for the next five months. so trial is upon us. and the feds have reached a complete accounting of your worth. "the vintage wurlitzer"? they go through my fuckin' sock drawer? they shot a video the day of your arrest. they even tracked down the 180 grand in boca raton under your father's name. they estimate your net worth at $5 million... while ginnlives on scraps. ...between your cash and portlios with fidelity and vanguard, your 401k and verance parachute from essany scaffolding, condo in deal beach at 450, maserati, ginny's yukon, and the house and its contents valued at a million two. is this all part of your plan, ron-- make me so fuckin' depressed that i hang myself? it's my obligation to raise the idea again of cooperating. flip? let me explain something to you again, ron, but differently. being a rat, where i'm comin' from, that's like asking a person where you're comin' from to become a fuckin' nazi. i don't wanna hear that shit again. good. because, frankly, i don't represent turncoats. 'cause it would kill your practice. huh... what happened to my stuffed pork loin? you ever hear of knocking? i ordered it special. you had them send it up to carmela? you get what you pay for. hi. she's your little twin. bacala's got no fuckin' genes at all. you never miss a chance to shit on him, do you? i'm joking, come on. she looks like you, that's all. i don't know why you just can't admit that you blame us that you got shot. unfortunately, i have only myself to blame. "unfortunately." oh-ho. so obviously you'd like to blame somebody. i have only myself to blame. you don't blame me for the shooting? well you fuckin' blame me for something! - jan, the baby. - you know, marrying the boss's sister-- usually it's a step up. but you keep your goddamn foot on our necks. you punish bobby because he's my husband. - will you stop, huh? - to be his age and not to be a captain? oh, now i see what this little visit's all about. he works so hard for you, and what does he get? merciless ridicule
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