the human condition. what is? i don't know. yeah, this is peter gaultieri. i'm calling for the result of my biopsy again. i'm sorry, sir. they're still not in. this is cancer we're talking about. i understand, sir. you'll have to call back tomorrow. gimme an espresso... and don't touch the lemon rind with your fingers. hello, paulie. what are you doing here? the home. it's one of our outings. so you're still over there, huh? they've been very nice, and your brother's trying to work out an arrangement. is it true what they're saying? who? about what? the ride, the one that broke. you need to make a novena, paulie. - those poor children. - what are you talking about? you let st. elzear go without his hat. will you listen to this? fuck that voodoo, huh? you cursed your mother, a blessed nun. she had it coming. you both did. i didn't bring you up like that. you're a fake. that's how you brung me up. fuck the two of you. sir, your espresso. so in keeping with this longstanding tradition of doing everything ass-fucking-backwards, we are gathered here tonight for the bachelor party of already-married man christopher moltisanti. and like i always say, a man is not complete till he's married. then he's finished. chrissy. - congratulations. t. - thanks. should we order? - yeah, what the fuck are the specials? - artie. i gotta go, ton'. the kids. - have fun tonight, huh? - all right. - specials, gentlemen. - pray tell, my good man. i got lamb tonight, grilled, garlic, little rosemary. rosemary, i'll eat her. hey, t. you're doing a heck of a job there, brownie. huh? this thing with the ride, the shit with bobby, you settle it and you settle it now. and not just 'cause she's my sister, either. - ton', i-- - you put little kids in jeopardy at the hands of some fucking redneck? not to mention you leave little paulie alone to deal with the cops. i thought he had it under control. let me ask you a question about the feast. do we need negative press? with all the competition out there for the entertainment dollar, dvds, the internet? you're right, ton'. what happened to the regular ride guy, the guy we used last year? for what he wanted to charge, i'm getting killed here, ton'. when your dad had st. elzear's, it was a cash cow, and it was easy. nowadays, between paying the church, these puerto ricans now, ha, my profit shrunk to nothing. if it don't work as a business, get rid of it. not for nothing, but a lot of that feast goes in your pocket. i got a lot on my mind, t. - i'm sorry. - like what? i had a biopsy. i might have prostate cancer. well, it's a biopsy, right? nine times out of 10, these things come back clean. - i don't know. - what don't you know? don't work yourself up into a state like you do, hmm? i've been having headaches. i'm afraid maybe the thing metastasized. jesus, will you listen to yourself, huh? with all your weird fucking shit about your body and the germophobias. - you don't know shit yet. - it's true. i'd rather face 10 guys with shivs than something i can't see. exactly. you're too susceptible to the psychics and the dream messages and dirty fucking toilet seats. it's a biopsy. get a grip. you're right, t. you know, and negative thinking can help bring this shit on. work something out with bobby, huh? and eddie lind's coming down from pennsylvania with an envelope. meet him at the bing. you call him, you set up a time. there he is, the bad lieutenant. hey. i sold mine. $300 for the five cases. oh, i had a heater put in the bloomfield wire room. guys were complaining. well, good. yeah, yeah, that's good. what's new with you? copasetic. "we're with the vipers." - fun night. - fuckin' a. "take it easy. take it easy." 10-4. you remember the look on the other guy's face? oh, the fucking
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