excuse me! - it's okay. it's okay. this is a temperature gun. 217°. look at that. - yeah. - paulie, it's me. we had a problem down here. the ride-- the teacups or whatever, a bolt busted. thing jammed up. - some people got hurt. - where's the guy who owns it? he's talking to the cops. fine, fuck it. what do you want from me? it's pretty bad, paulie. lady broke her wrist. some puerto rican kid lost some teeth. what am i, a fucking dentist? i don't know. i thought you'd want to know. maybe come down or something. i gotta be up in the morning. i got my fucking biopsy. all right, i'll take care of it. now's your last chance to take advantage... one second you're sitting there enjoying a ride with your family, the next your entire world comes crashing down. i close my eyes. i can still hear the screams. we should all be thankful it's okay. my baby could have been killed, tony. god forbid. you can bet the locals will be parading in with their lawsuits. el mucho pesos. just leave it alone, janice. they are entitled to damages. obviously, there was negligence. good, so then they'll have excuses why they can't go to work. - when i think what could have happened to my baby... oh yes, you, nica. i'm talking about you, angel. oh, god, i wanna bite those cheeks. scumbag hillbilly, i should have kicked his ass. yeah, and what did you do? nothing. i was taking sophia to the bathroom. mmm, this wine, tony, you're right. delicious. i was just thinking it lost some of its... i don't know-- pop. manager. you gotta move your car. i said i'm coming. you redneck fuck. my baby was on that ride with my wife. she woke up this morning, she could barely move her neck. i told the cops, mister. i'm sorry. insurance will pay your hospital bill. - $25,000 cash. - what? new jersey has stringent liability laws. i told the guy who hired me i'd have to put on a whole repair crew, work 'em all night. he wouldn't spring for it. who, paulie? what are you talking about? first off, he wouldn't pay for my "a" fleet. i leased that to the sorghum festival down in atlanta. okay, the results of the steroid test are in. - the contestants, they're all clean. i want a fair contest here. no biting each other. ready, set, mangia. man, we got some race going on over here, ladies and gents. look at 'em go. hey, cocksucker! you hire some fly-by-night piece of shit and you don't tell nobody? - whoa, bobby. - what the fuck you talking about? - you know what i'm talking about, you cheap fuck! - bobby, come on! everybody wants to get rich, but you don't scrimp on safety. - mind your business, bobby. - my baby girl was in that car! - you owe me money, paulie. - i owe you shit. - my wife's got nerve damage! - fuck her, too! - get the fuck off me! - easy, easy. calm down. keep moving. go ahead, it's over. crown the winner. i was at the feast, st. elzear's. the thing for us kids was to blow powdered sugar on each other from the zeppoles. thousands of people either praying or eating. anyway, my sister was on this ride with my niece when it lurched forward - pretty bad. - god. he wasn't there, just elzear. but he was so busy getting money pinned to his ass - that he got distracted and a bolt snapped. were they hurt? you look around, all these people are lined up for this shit. the kids, adults, families. rides. yeah, they pay money so they can almost puke. they scream, they yell. why do you think that is? they're bored. are you bored? am i bored? i got shot in the pancreas and i recovered. no brain damage from the septic shock, like everybody figured i'd have. you know my feelings. every day is a gift. it's just... does it have to be a pair of socks? i'm joking. i'm joking. well, what are you gonna do? it's
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