hip? - hey, anthony. i need your help. - what? - those nigger fucking whores, they play that music so loud. now that's not nice. those are puerto ricans, mrs. conte. i ask 'em nice to turn it down. they tell me to go fuck myself. - i'll see what i can do. - thanks. - hey, how's junior? tell him i said hello. - yeah. you know, i been meaning to ask you, chicken or the egg? you wanna weigh in? that same stupid joke, huh? - how are you? - good good. so how's business? mezzo mezz'? - believe it or not, better than ever. - glad to hear it. i'll have to raise your rent. see, when you hold your knife with your blade facing your opponent, you got a lot better control. plus, you protect the forearm. no, if you got the tip pointing at him, you get more distance. you could swipe his abdomen and fucking gut him. see, that's stupid. look how your range of motion is limited. it's so easy for him to step back, grab your fucking arm, - take your knife away. - could someone please check us out? yo, hernan. sure, what time? cool. no problem. i can cover tonight. - i'm totally fucking minted. later. yeah? i'm at work. what do you think? he stepped on a nail? fuck. how far did it go in? - fuck! - would you mind? i better call you back. bye. that was hernan? he was such a dick in high school. well, he was a senior. what do you expect? they always shit on the underclassmen. the kid spds every night in some fucking club in new york, sleeps till noon, puts in a couple hours at blockbuster, and that's it. and since my injury, like i told you, i've been more, you know... accepting. be grateful for what you got. but maybe that's wrong. maybe i should be on the kid. my dad would have kicked my lazy ass out of the house. really? it's the chopping off of the guy's finger, right? i never should have told you 'cause that's all you fixate on with him. can you empathize with a.j. at that age? yeah, i had some problems at school, but i didn't vegetate. - what? - these are different times. people today are bombarded with so much information, so much input of every kind. consequently, true adulthood is delayed. sociologists say that 26 is in fact the new 21. and the new 26 is what? i'm 46, so that means i'm what, 35? my father isn't an old man. it's ridiculous to let himself disintegrate like this. how's it going with patient soprano? - what? - i'm talking about my father, elliot. - i thought you were done. - it happens too often. i think that's a non-sequitur accusation. why don't you just admit he's a gangster? he was gunned down, and you're into it on a tabloid level. you devoted quite a chunk of last visit to him. i'm responding to that. nothing's changed, okay? he refuses to really engage on this trauma the uncle caused. and i think it's just a matter of time before he totally decompensates. has he cried or reported crying at all about this man buster? junior, no. hmm. this omerta concept comes from a pre-therapeutic culture. this isn't omerta. it's something else. hey, man... park it in the garage on 14th street, not the other shithole. watch for potholes. what's going on, man? how's it going? good to see you. his dad's really a gangster? capo di tutti capi. what's that mean? - how old are you? - 20. - shut up. - 15. - how old are you? - 18. when i take "e," my feet get cold. that ever happen to you? i wear special socks. let's go uptown to my crib and get more twisted, if that's possible. - oh, it's possible. - i could give you a massage. yeah. yeah, you could. oh, yeah, all right. we all good? yeah, it's cool. mr. soprano, zasu said to tell you he's honored to have you in the club. and please, regards to your dad. okay. oh, yeah, right. what can i do for you, phil? vito. do we know where he's at? well, that really
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