how's the meathook? - had to be my fuckin' saute hand, huh? why, you got an okay crowd here today. sunday pasta's the last thing to go. the place is on life-support ever since word got out to the regulars about their credit cards. and my staff is pissed off about martina leaving. benny did a real number here, tony. who knows? maybe it's cursed. the fire, then this. will you stop talkin' like an old lady? - artie. - no go, huh? he's just being dramatic. - how are you, sweetie? - better. and carm, the flowers... tonight, only the best for the best people. hmm, that's excellent. hey, be careful you two, because the way you two are looking at each other, pretty soon we'll have to put a high-chair over here. like the icing on a cake, okay? capisce? keep your thumbs out of the food. we gotta talk about your problem. oh, great. another idea. how 'bout a strolling accordionist? i'm gonna give you the name of a good psychiatrist. she's italian. you'll like her. you know what? you go about in pity for yourself. - i go about in pity for myself? - yeah. i gotta tell you, bodhisattva, that is fucking priceless. use the other door. you bitch and you moan and you blame everybody else for your problems, instead of maybe... not letting the mexicans do all the cooking for you or, i don't know, changing the menu or changing the decor. i guess because you know how to eat, you know how to run a restaurant. on one of the bleakest nights of my life, after the shit with my mother and that fuckin' storm outside, i came here to this place. i sat out there with carm and my two kids and we ate and we drank and we were so happy to be here, more than any other place in the world. and you know i'm gonna eat here until i fall off the chair. but in business, sometimes shit happens. the playing field changes, whatever. and you gotta do whatever you gotta do to keep your dick up. if you hate it here so much, why don't you go to da giovanni? see ife'll cook you that bland shit for your shot-up pancreas. i'll tell you one thing and this is very hard. nobody wants to hear you talk. they're trying to eat out there and you come along with your corny jokes and your stupid stories. just stay in the kitchen. that'd be a start. hey. you wouldn't believe what these people in the business get, totally fuckin' absolutely gratis. yeah, i hear the streets are paved with hand-jobs. right. i scored some major swag. a little taste for you. trip to australia, first-class vouche, some kind of golf resort. looks like sarasota. after what, a 20-hour flight? no. that's for a pocket dog. how'd it go with the movie star? he was all over us, but i don't think he's right. we made some great contacts. plus we saw lindsay lohan. total piece of ass. you hear artie burned his hand? yeah. him and benny. how crazy is that? - he okay? - a layer of skin came off his hand like a glove. but, they said, you know, no scarring, no grafts. - lucky. - hmm. well, not for nothin'. i couldn't help but thinkin' if you were here watching your crew, things wouldn't have gone the way they did. you let me go, t. i asked you. now it's my fault artie and benny got into it? this is what i was concerned about, christopher, the loss of focus. look... not many guys have had to make the kind of sacrifice i did. how many times you gonna play the adriana card? sandy just seated a couple. kitchen's closed. he said they were supposed to go to the city but they had car trouble. hector already left to pick up his wife. plus i got nothing back here, charm. they already opened the bottle. they're gonna have to eat what i give them. arthur, a lot of people don't like rabbit. my grandfather's way. only with provencal elements i been thinking about. i thought you were taking it to him at the home. okay-- out. i wanna get outta here tonight. synch:
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