he was sharp in his day. But now... We stopped at a light yesterday, and I see this nanny, black girl, pushing a baby carriage. Coming the other way, there's another one with this old lady in a wheelchair - staring off into space. - The circle of life. The circle jerk of life. Where's the dignity? If you're lucky, in the end you can let go of your pride, let your loved ones care for you. I'd rather they hold a pillow over my face. I find it interesting you would say that. You tried to smother your mother with a pillow. - What? - In the hospital, after her stroke. The fuck I did! I grabbed a pillow, but it was... just to keep my hands occupied. Have you considered getting your uncle some live-in help? We got a girl comes in days, she's from Trinidad. Does he have the means for assisted living? Did you just say to let your loved ones take care of you? - If it's feasible. - Well, he's my uncle. I don't think that's what we're talking about. What are we talking about? The fact that you still, after all this time, cannot accept you had a mother who didn't love you. In pitying your uncle, the man she conspired with, you're turning the blame for what she did back on yourself again, after all this time. What was your mother like? Did she ever let you down, hurt your feelings? Of course she did. She was controlling and manipulative at times. - She also never tried to kill me. - I pushed her over the edge. By placing her in a lovely retirement community. It's a nursing home! It's less hurtful to believe that they were right to try and destroy you than to accept the fact that she didn't value you. Hesh is a personal friend of mine, and the kid is his son-in-law. Now I know Phil's got a lot on his plate, but come on. I'll talk to John. I was taking my sister there Saturday anyway. How is Ginny? Carmela says she's got her hands full. The kid has the weight of the world on her. Ray-Bans. Classic, affordable. I just put those on special. You got something a little more current? Like those. Armanis. Flexible acetate frames, rimless lenses. You know what? I left my wallet in the car. I'll catch you next time. Some people from the IRS came by. They want to inventory the entire house. Maybe I should sell the car, at least get some liquidity out of it. The Maserati? Can't say I disagree. That breaks my fucking heart. Christopher Moltisanti came over to the house asking about it. He'll pay cash, he said. There's something else, John, Phil related. The Hairdo, he's in a beef with the Jew. What? God damn it, what? The Jew's son-in-law. It got physical. Your friend from Jersey got involved, but he can't get Phil to focus. Do I not have enough on my fucking mind? The guy from Jersey asked me to tell you. Well, then call Phil and have him fucking handle it! Don't yell at my brother, John. He's trying to do right by us. The pictures from Allegra's shower. Noon he said, right? Passive-aggressive bullshit. I recognize that in people every time now. There he is. Ho, finally. I was starting to grow mushrooms out my ass. There's an image. So Gerry filled me in on the way over. This whole thing was a complete misunderstanding. Yeah, this Eli kid, I had any idea he was with you, - I would have never... - He didn't tell you about Hesh? I asked who he was. He high-handed me. I thought he was a civilian. Still, to get dragged by a car? For the record, though, the car thing was a hit-and-run. So what do we do here? - What did we say? - 25 sounds right. He's bleeding internally. Pain, suffering... So you tell me. 50? Yeah, fair enough. Could we segue now into something more pressing? The floor is yours, Senator. I spoke to John. The split on the office park is way out of whack. Same thing as the Esplanade. Apples and bowling balls, Tony. With fuel costs now... Like you're not passing that on
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