bacall. - yo. - murmur, i'm chipping here major. get on a plane. sir ben kingsley and... guests. janine will take you around. hi, janine. ben kingsley. we're offering the full services of the spa today, including massage. listen, we're thinking about sam rockwell for the younger guy. - is that a good chemistry for you? - hmm. may i offer you champagne? maybe later. this is yael from cosabella lingerie. sir ben kingsley. i'll take an extra large in these. for a man, white and warm is giving this cashmere throw, great for the airplane, and here, one for the car. - thanks, yael. - they charge this shit to the room? - hmm? - this is carla from oris. men's and women's, sporty and dressy. a lot of guys are going with the classic stainless chrono. oh, my godson would love that. he's having his birthday in three weeks. - but for me... - this is elegant. - really is. - take the chrono too? - are you sure? - of course. is all this shit free? i'm gettin' that. "true crime, new york city." pam has a huge crush on you. thanks, pam. so kingsley, they do this all the time? - it's sir ben, actually. - sorry. a couple of times a year, mainly clustered around award seasons. how is that even fuckin' possible? i know. it's embarrassing, isn't it? - i know i have one of these. - shelly from iriver. i don't know if you have this one. it's got 20 gigs of space in a tiny package. that's 80 hours of video or 600 hours of music. shelly, can i get one of these? - here you go, sir ben. - thank you, shelly. sir ben, you've got a meeting with doug in 10, so... hey, guys, looks like i ate up all our time here. what do you say we catch up in new york? you got a lot of tables left. we're gonna make that work, sir ben. they're giving away a caddy over there! well, no, it's just a test-drive for a couple of weeks. you know, my family gave me some sunglasses for christmas so why don't you have these? - i bet they'll look great on you, chris. - i don't know. you think? sir ben, can we get a shot? the thing, the arabs. chris wanted me to take care of you while he's away. cecil b demoltisanti there. - this is one week? - yeah, murmur caught some big ones. you're going to see your girlfriend over at vesuvio? yeah. all right. uh... give this to artie. keep it on my tab. we're not here to accuse anybody, 'cause mainie and i like to think of you all as family. and this is very serious. it is, but know that as family you'll be treated with respect and, if need be, forgiveness. hector, and you, mustache... you got something to say? we have no intention of pressing charges. it's just gotta stop. that's all we want. any questions? understand this is not about a 42-oz. jar of moroccan olives or a couple of rolls of toilet paper here. - this is our livelihoods. - are you looking at me? nobody's looking at anybody. - i didn't take the toilet paper. - but the olives? i'm joking here. i'm just saying if you don't come clean to us, those investigators, well, they just might question the honesty of somebody that wears a coat pulled from the lost-and-found. - fuck this! - no, fuck you! - arthur... - i don't know which one of you pieces of shit did this, - but i've been good to you! - ...getting us nowhere. and you pay me back with nonstop ass rape! well fuck all of you! you know what? just forget it. i-- i'm so sorry, everybody. um, could you just get this cleaned up so we can open? thanks. no no. it's very bad. they had the credit card police. those companies are huge. they come on tough, but in the end, they gotta eat it. okay. everything okay in there? for once i'd like to eat without you getting a call from work. ah. god damn it. motherfucker. arthur! what do you want, a repeat performance of the fourth of july? that cop told you, no firing guns in the borough
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