to find him and put him down for the honor of the family. oh, please, huh? you know, certain people, they love the high drama, like fuckin' high school girls. and others i could name, they just can't wait to whack somebody, anybody. but some people feel it's against our principles, tony. a sin. carlo, let's be honest with ourselves here. we all know vito's not the first. well... we're gonna do great things. aw, jesus, thanks again, anthony. thank you. what? it's 2006. there's pillow biters in the special forces. let me just ask you, ton'. sake of argument. let's say he shows up. you gonna kiss this guy on both cheeks? take paulie, okay? you know perfectly well guys like him never kick up their full percent to you. you look the other way, price of doing business. but you cut vito slack now that he's "out of the closet," just the excuse people need to go off the reservation, and start withholding serious money. let me read in peace, will you? having fun with all this paper? i can't believe this is just one case. rafaella martino. i'm the lead attorney on this mess. oh. meadow soprano. - i'm michael kardish. i work with rae. - hi. ms. soprano came highly recommended. columbia dean's list, volunteer at the south bronx law center... this is really interesting too. of course it's different than the kind of thing we see at the law center. clients there are so trampled and abused-- welcome to white-collar fraud. i need the emails from box 44 and 45, july and august. pull them and leave them with my assistant. okay. tony soprano's kid. tony. building my lats back up. did you by any chance talk to the building inspector about my house? shit, i forgot. the sorting's tedious, but some of the cases-- this guy was pretty clever, really. he set up all these phony investment firms and then just siphoned the money out: - $80 million. - whoa. yeah, he's out on bail. then you look at my father's friend, federal marshals dragging him out of his own daughter's wedding. he hasn't even been tried yet. you're innocent in this country until proven guilty. yeah, but johnny macaroni was indicted for murder. they couldn't let him stay 15 more minutes? you better put your pants on. you know why they did that. to humiliate him in front of everyone. metal detectors, frisking, my father with the shoes? it was pure harassment. yeah, but the guy's lucky they even let him out. oh, so white-collar criminals can destroy people's lives and steal their pensions and it's no big deal to you. you know what? bad subject. let's talk about something else. no, let's talk about it so we can stop with the macaroni cracks. weird, since you're part italian yourself. please, my dad is so deracinated. yeah, the way he prefers it. all those hysterical jokes about italian cheeses and smelly feet. why are you picking a fight? i'm not, but you're slamming my family. i don't know. this is good shit. it's amazing. you weren't there for the "grand inquisition" about vito. i knew it. i'm picking the fight. i was in the back of a butcher shop with your uncle paulie, ratting out a guy i don't really even know. i mean what do you think's going to happen to vito for being gay? and don't give me any of that "poverty of the mezzogiorno" bullshit. we're in fucking caldwell, new jersey, and you're on your high horse about justice? they are gonna mete it out themselves. this is untenable. this is nice, this pot. yeah, that's a baneda. arts and crafts movement. yeah? i really don't know much about this stuff. well, you've got a good eye. that's the most expensive piece in the store. you're a natural. synch: frm 1000fryou guys speak english? not some too much. i just wanna say it's been a while since we opened the books and in regards to you guys-- burt, gerry-- as a man of few words, i-- not few enough,
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