for him! i feel like i've been stabbed in the heart. we can't have him here in our social club no more. i mean, that much i do know. social club? he's gotta go! i wanna think about it. yeah, i don't know. what the fuck? what is there to think about? - sit down. - fuck that! i'll say it again! what the fuck is there to think about? you gonna take care of his kids, huh, after he's gone? it's true. they didn't do nothing. poor little guys. now sit down. i'm sorry if i yelled, t. it's just... how much more betrayal can i take? vito, a fag. big construction tycoon. ton', when he was always talking about "greasing the union," who knew that's what he meant? all right, this stays in these four walls. am i understood? - phil, oh my god. - you poor kid. i know. i can't believe it myself. i keep waiting for him to call. how long am i supposed to tell the kids he's away on business? that fuckin' shitbag. i get my hands on him i'm gonna tear him limb from limb. - oh, phil, don't say that. - you're my cousin he married, making a mockery of the whole sacrament. but what do we really know? i mean, maybe there were signs, but... vito spatafore is a good man, and he's a wonderful dad. somebody sees something one time and he's tossed aside like garbage? that's why i'm here, honey. there's been confirmation through the grapevine. vito was seen in a car with a man. i don't want to get graphic beyond that, the idea of it repulses mso much. what confirmation? who? the witness has no reason to lie. no... we can't be in denial no more, much as we love him. where do you think he might have gone, honey? so we can get him back here, get him to do something about it. excuse me, angie here? in the office. we can get you anything you want, sweetheart, air bags, chrome rims-- - oh, hi. - carm, hi. i'm sorry. am i interrupting something? i'm here for the free body work certificates for the auction. - oh, that's right. - but if you're busy... this'll just take another sec. okay, sure. they were doing something behind closed doors. well you know angie's put money on the street. how do you know? - angie told me. - she didn't tell me. probably 'cause of tony. aw, maybe he didn't want you to know something like that. me and my big mouth. she's got enough money to do that, huh? well, she's pretty successful with that body shop, so... our grandmothers did it. those were harder times, but...a' salut', right? she's one of us. now it's like she's one of them. - you wanted to see me, ton'? - yeah. hey, carlo. - good to see you. - sit down. putting you in charge of all construction business, replacing vito. holy shit! guys respect you across the board, you done real good real with the ports... thank you, ton'. jeez, i don't know what to say. we'll have a drink. congratulations. a' salut' a' salut. listen, ton'... since you think enough of me to give me this responsibility i might as well be the one to say it. all right, skip the preambles. the guys on vito's crew, they say if he was to come back, they refuse to take orders from him. oh, they do? not only that, a couple of the other captains won't talk to him, and i don't disagree. paulie especially. now that he's accepted it, hey... he's the most out for vito's scalp. yeah, you should hear him, ton'. he's goin' fuckin' mau-mau on the subject. it's not their fucking decision who they work with. let me tell you something. fuckin' vito, through sheer hard work, turned himself into my best earner. i don't even know if i'd have the new boat without him. he's a come-from-behind kind of guy. that's true, but-- so i'm gonna burn that kind of dedication? it's hard to believe i couldn't get something more out of him, if he were to come back. stocks, offshore shit, i don't know. well... these other guys feel an effort should be made
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