fuck, i suppose something inside me says god bless, a' salut'. who gives a shit? i mean i had a second chance. why shouldn't he? part of your new outlook? maybe. i salute it, then. tall fuckin' order, i'll tell you that. how so? you can talk about every day being a gift and stopping to smell the roses, but regular life's got a way of picking away at it. your house, the shit you own, it drags you down. your kids, what they want. one bad idea after another. just trying to work a cell phone menu is enough to make you scream. there's some cold pasta. no, i ate already. what's all that? for the silent auction. my busy little beaver. not really. look, ton', i haven't wanted to bug you, but before you'd gotten hurt, you said you would get that building inspector to cut me some slack so i could get back to my business? oh yeah, right right. i will, later. come here. no, uh, i'm still not ready for that. last time i thought i tore something from tensing my muscles. no, i got something for that scar. oh. vitamin e. my facialist said it will help get the red out. you were right about my uncle, carm. all along. it doesn't give me any pleasure, believe me. i should have cut him out of my life. i brought this all on myself. you did not. don't ever think that. all this, you never once said "i told you so." accentuate the positive. i wanted you to get better. you know my shrink... told me that, uh... i stood by junior through all his jealousy and shit... trying to prove i'm a good guy... and that my mother couldn't hate a good boy like that. imagine laying next to a guy 15 years and all the time he's been playing for the pink team. who told you? tony swore me to secrecy. i'm not gonna burn my sources. anyway, it's all over the place. those children... imagine when they find out their father's a finook. god, she's such a bright girl, marie spatafore. you think she and vito had some arrangement? i just hope she gets herself tested. still, vito? he'd be like the last one you'd suspect. suspect of what? wow, such a young lady! yes, she's working two jobs. days she's interning at gendler, lookstein, abruzzo & abruzzo. what about vito? nothing. him and marie are having some problems, that's all. - i can probably guess. - excuse me? huh-uh, i'm not going first. do you know something? okay... he is possibly... gay. finn saw him giving some guy a blowjob. what? when dad got him that job in construction? finn showed up early one morning and he saw vito in a car going down on some security guard. - oh my god! - he saw this? he had finn all freaked out. he still does. why didn't you say something? because vito warned finn not to. you gotta hear what meadow just told us. - mom! - the cat's out of the bag, meadow. oh, it's "dr. yank 'em," the painless dentist. - how you doing, kid? hey ton'. hey-- - unfortunately, finn here has got some bad news, so, uh, listen up. sit down. go ahead. tell 'em what you saw. don't be scared. it's all right. - all right, if we can just head over and have lunch. - good morning. good morning. let me ask you a question. before he cornered you in the porta-potty, when the security guard was sucking him off-- - whoa one sec, it was the other way around. - what? vito was blowing the security guard. son of a bitch! catchin', not pitchin'? he's not gonna know i told you? you ain't gonna have no problem from vito, believe me. - what are you gonna do? - it'll be okay. get him to pay for some therapy. look, why don't you... why don't you go out front, get yourself a sandwich, any kind you like, huh? soda. when we're done here, somebody will take you back. all right. i wanna kill the fat faggot myself. be a fuckin' honor. cut off his pisciatil' and feed it to him. there can be no mistake now. i can't believe i stuck up
------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Конёк-Горбунок на английском - текст Эрагон на английском - текст Дон жуан Де Марко на английском - текст Особенности национальной рыбалки на английском - текст Друзья - Сезон 9 на английском |