hello. - vito? - you got him? - who? - put vito on the phone, asshole. - fuck you, motherfucker. what, are you sucking his dick? put him on. how about i kick your ass, you fucking faggot. yeah, that's right, telephone tough guy. put vito on the phone! there ain't no vito, man. i found the phone on the side of the road. - what? - hang on a second. where'd you find the phone? hello. hello! oh, you motherfucker. what happened? bob at the marina where tony docks his boat says he'll donate a sunset dinner cruise. - i paid $300 for that? - yeah. i got seasick in bermuda on one of those. - oh, angie, finally. - sorry. i had these sales reps in my office. we're just going over the list for the silent auction. - we're already up to about 7500 bucks. - oh good, artie. - ladies. - a silent auction again? why not get live auctioneer? i got sea bream, beautiful. porcini-dusted ravioli, huh? i hate to be a pain, but i gotta get back. - can we just let him cook? - sure. great, go for it. where were we? jesus christ. he's always interrupting. people enjoy the silent auction. i thought our goal was to raise money. i say we get 'em liquored up, let 'em tear each other's throats out. - well... - it's just an idea. anyhow, put me down for $2,000 worth of body work and/or paint. 2,000? madonn', ange. so, did you hear about vito and marie? separated. oh, sorry, i gotta take this. - hello? - they were just at the wedding. they seemed fine. what'd i tell you? is that a beautiful fish or what? oh, for god's sake, all right! can i just get some prosciutto melon to go? i'm sorry, guys. i gotta get back. no, the quarter panel from the lesabre, i said. oh shit. you didn't know he was gay? actually i had him pegged the whole time, but... he a close friend? not only that, he's one of my most valuable guys. he's ambitious, he's focused. when i was in the hospital, he helped carmela tremendously when we were strapped. you've implied you have millions of dollars. your hospital stay was actually that costly? well no, but, uh... huh? is that the issue? you tell me. what is the issue? he's a fa-ag! and? now what am i supposed to do? about what? i know what. they're born that way, right? it's not their fault. frankly i think they go about in pity for themselves. i don't think they see it as a fault. in your circle i'm sure you got all kinds of gays and trans-whatevers of all stripes. but not where i come from. you personally-- how do you feel about homosexuality? i find it disgusting. men kissing men, holding hands in the street. every fuckin' tv show now, they rub your nose on it. although, that-- the lesbian thing with the, uh... jennifer beals, it's not bad. she a dyke in real life? i don't give too much of a shit what people do behind closed doors with the consenting adults. although don't forget: i'm a strict catholic. i agree with that senator sanitorium, who says if we let this stuff go too far, pretty soon we'll be fucking dogs. i hear a lot of ambivalence. this guy that got outed, look, the guys that work for me are asking for head. his head. what the fuck? you know, him and me, we're in the construction business. now some of these union old-timers, the contractors, they're not gonna want to be seen with him. and i'm talking huge deals, major fucking dollars. a lot of your circle must have done jail time. they can't be strangers to male-male sexual contact. you get a pass for that. well, that's nice. well, what are you gonna do? there's no women there. you're there five, 10 years. just for the record, my incarceration was very short term, so i never had any need for any anal-- you know. so this fellow who's been outed, what's he saying? you think i'm lying, don't you? about when i was in jail. i've given you no indication i think you're lying. what the
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