s a fucking captain you're talking about. people went to see him. he was down the shore with his goomar. so it's bullshit then. as soon as he saw 'em, took off like a bat on a hill. fuck. you didn't hear it from me. it could be a mid-life thing. sucking a cock? mr. spatafore, hey. marie's still at the hospital with her mom. - kids asleep? - they went to sleep about an hour ago. fuck! hi. how are you doing? i need a room for the night. i don't have anybody down for a reservation. the sign said "vacancy." oh, we have rooms. we usually don't get walk-ins. come in. glad to have you. slow around here until the leaf peepers show up. - let me show you where we serve breakfast. - i just want to go to my room. no problem. it's $140, breakfast included. - mastercard or visa. - i'll pay cash. we accept that too. but you can take care of it in the morning. i'm just beat, that's all. my car broke down. on a night like this too. you know, my stepson runs the tow service. you want, early morning, i can have your rig brought to the mobil. yeah? black cadillac. - route 228. - mm-hmm. this is for you. have a good night. franklin pierce room. up the stairs, first door to the right. i was just over at the house. everything is gone. - which house are you referring to? - the spec house. the pvc, the shake roof shingles, even that expensive lock on the shed is missing. that's awful, mel. you don't know anything about this? you left it there to rot. i don't believe this. - with my husband on his death bed... - oh, sarah bernhardt. ...you went over there and you picked through the place like a vulture! you said you'd straighten out the permits with the building department - and you never did. - that is beside the point! carmela, what happened to my bundt pan? it was your fault the permits were denied in the first place. you're a broken record, for god's sake. that's what you are. carmela, wait. no, let her go. i've had a lifetime of her bullshit. gimme a coffee. national directory. city and state. peterborough, new hampshire. the number for angelo di piazza. - double "z." - no number listed, sir. how about roberta di piazza? nothing for roberta di piazza. - huh? - nothing, sir. could you try roberta spatafore? s-p-a-t-a-f-o-r-e. i don't have anything for that listing, sir. look, i'm trying to find my cousin. could you search the whole state? searching. i'm sorry, sir. - what's good? - first time here, try the johnny cakes. what's that? pancake made with white cornmeal. new england specialty. where you from? scottsdale. well, they're delicious. little butter, local syrup. okay, and gimme some of them jimmy deans. our sausages are made in-house. hey, boys, how'd you guys make out in the storm? we lost our lights in the middle of "cold case." we thought we were gonna have to talk to each other or read a book. the usual, guys? - are we boring? - yeah yeah. here's your johnny cakes. i gotta warn ya, they're addictive. they look good. - you want more coffee? - no, i'm coffeed out. you don't say hello to your uncle? - hi, uncle sil. - vito. well, he ain't gonna show. i'll just leave him these. he said he'd be back from vegas today. i don't know. you and vito, how are things going with you guys? we have our ups and downs. and in the romance department? excuse me? what's this all about? it's awkward. no offense, i really don't want to talk about this. vito's a good father and a loving husband. but his mind is elsewhere. he takes these unexplained powders. he's got a goomar. i know all about it. it's nothing. forget about it. you hear from him, tell him i brought him some blood, sweat and tears tickets. backstage passes too. i'm telling ya, my business, i'm around a lot of women. that one ain't getting laid. -
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